hello please help me on this project form3 ..everytime i always add data it always already exist please help me to solve my problem..heres my code

Option Explicit
Public con As ADODB.Connection
Public cmd As ADODB.Command
Public mch_rs As ADODB.Recordset, index As Integer, m_mchno As String
Public sql As String

Public Sub clear()

Me.txtmchname = ""
Me.txtmchno = ""
Me.txtqtyh = ""
Me.txtuprice = ""

cmdadd.Item(index).BackColor = vbWhite

End Sub

Private Sub cbomeasure_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then
End If

End Sub

Public Sub cmdadd_Click(index As Integer)

      If cmdadd.Item(index).BackColor = vbWhite Then
         cmdadd.Item(index).BackColor = vbRed
      End If
If error_check() = 1 Then
  cmdadd.Item(index).BackColor = vbWhite
 Exit Sub
 End If


  sql = "select * from merchandise_table where mchno = '" & m_mchno & "'"

Set mch_rs = con.Execute(sql)

 If mch_rs.BOF = True And mch_rs.EOF = True Then

        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "already exist"
        cmdadd.Item(index).BackColor = vbWhite
       End If

With cbomeasure

.AddItem "pcs"
.AddItem "ream"

End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdexit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set con = New ADODB.Connection
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
Set mch_rs = New ADODB.Recordset

con.ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\project.mdb"

With cbomeasure

.AddItem "pcs"
.AddItem "ream"

End With
End Sub

Public Sub check_table()

With cmd
 .ActiveConnection = con
 .CommandText = "merchandise_table"
 .CommandType = adCmdTable
 End With
 With mch_rs
 .CursorLocation = adUseClient
 .CursorType = adOpenDynamic
 .LockType = adLockPessimistic
 .Open cmd

End With
  With mch_rs
 !mchno = m_mchno
 !mch_name = Trim(txtmchname.Text)
 !mch_umsr = Trim(cbomeasure.Text)
 !mch_qyth = Val(txtqtyh.Text)
 !mch_uprice = CDbl(txtuprice.Text)
 !mch_rstatus = "1"
End With
  MsgBox "record has been added", vbInformation

End Sub

Public Sub displayrec()

txtmchname.Text = mch_rs!mch_name
txtuprice.Text = mch_rs!mch_uprice
txtqtyh.Text = mch_rs!mch_qyth
cbomeasure.Text = mch_rs!mch_umsr

End Sub

..everytime i always add data it always already exist ....

What exactly is the problem ?

If Rs.BOF = True And Rs.EOF = True Then
  'do something and exit sub
  MsgBox "Exists!"
End If

Of course you are always going to get the msgbox that tells you your information exists. A recordset cannot be both BOF AND EOF at the same time even if there are no records...

You should do something like...

If Rs.RecordCount <> 0 And Rs.BOF = False And Rs.EOF = False Then
  'Record Exists
  'No Record
End If

Good Luck


Just check for "EOF", If it EOF is true, means record does not exist and You can add new data..

If RS.EOF Then
   ' Code To Add New Data
   'MsgBox "Record Exits..."
End If


I agree with all Posts above but in addition to them I suggest you to make Public Sub into Private Sub if you don't use that Procedures/Functions on other forms.


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