heres my code:

using namespace std;

struct WeatherInfo
	string City;		//Name of the city
	double Rainfall;	// Total rain fall of all citys
	double High;		//Highest temperature of all citys
	double Low;			//Lowest temperature of all citys
	double Average;		//Average temperature of all citys
ifstream infile;;
void fillCities(WeatherInfo cities[],int &numElems);
void PrintCities(WeatherInfo cities[],int numElems);
void OrderCities(WeatherInfo cities[],int size);
int  AvgRainFall(WeatherInfo cities[],int NumCities);
int  FindAvgTemp(WeatherInfo cities[],string value ,int NumCities);
int main()
	string value;
	const int SIZE = 30;
	int Size;
	int result;
	//string value;
	WeatherInfo cities[SIZE];
	fillCities (cities,Size);
	result = FindAvgTemp(cities,value,SIZE);
	return 0;
void fillCities(WeatherInfo cities[],int &numElems)
	string tname;
	int i = 0;
			cities[i].City = tname;
			infile>> cities[i].Low;
			cities [i].Average = (cities[i].High + cities[i].Low)/2;
void PrintCities(WeatherInfo cities[],int numElems)
	int index;
	cout<< left;
	cout<<setw(18)<<"City"<<setw(12)<<"Rain Fall"
	for (index = 0;index < numElems; index ++)
		cout<< setw(20)<<cities[index].City;
        cout<< setw(10)<<cities[index].Rainfall;
        cout<< setw(10)<<cities[index].High;
        cout<< setw(10)<<cities[index].Low;
		cout<< setw(10)<<cities[index].Average<<endl;
void OrderCities(WeatherInfo cities[],int numElems)
	bool swap;
	WeatherInfo temp;

		swap = false;
		for (int i = 0;i < (numElems - 1); i++)
				if (cities[i].City > cities[i + 1].City )
					temp = cities [i];
					cities[i]= cities[i + 1];
					cities[i + 1] = temp;
					swap = true;

	}while (swap);
int FindAvgTemp(WeatherInfo cities[],string value,int NumCities)
	cout<< "Enter a city ";
	cin>> cities[NumCities].City;
	int i;
		int first = 0;
        int last = NumCities - 1;
        int middle,
        position = -1;
		bool found = false;
 while (!found && first <= last)
       middle = (first + last)/2;
	   if (cities[middle].City == value)
            found = true;
            position = middle;
	   else if (cities[middle].City > value)
             last = middle - 1;
             first = middle + 1;
	cout<<setw(5)<<cities[NumCities].City <<" has a Average Temperture "<<setw(10)<<cities[NumCities].Average<<endl;
 return position;
int  AvgRainFall(WeatherInfo cities[],int NumCities)
	int index;
	double Sum = 0;
	double Avg;
		for(index = 0;index < NumCities; index++)
			Sum += cities[index].Rainfall;
		Avg = Sum / NumCities;
		cout<<"Average Rain fall is " <<Avg<<endl;
	return 0;

heres actual the result
City Rain Highs Lows Avg
---- ---- ----- ---- ---
Dallas 3.5 85 5 45
Boston 4.5 56 8 32
Bowling Green 3.1 89 6 47.5
Houston 7.5 54 11 32.5
Orlando 3.5 78 12 45
Baltimore 4.5 89 14 51.5
New York 5.5 62 7 34.5
New Orleans 2.5 75 3 39
Boca raton 5.5 68 27 47.5
Merida 6.5 105 8 56.5
Morehead City 1.5 97 15 56
Norfolk 2.5 64 0 32
Elizabeth City 4.5 78 9 43.5
Key West 3.5 97 5 51
Daytona 5.9 92 7 49.5
Dayton 7.2 89 2 45.5
San Jose 2.4 101 4 52.5
Chicago 1.8 95 6 50.5
Austin 5.2 88 2 45
City Rain Highs Lows Avg
---- ---- ----- ---- ---
Austin 5.2 88 2 45
Baltimore 4.5 89 14 51.5
Boca raton 5.5 68 27 47.5
Boston 4.5 56 8 32
Bowling Green 3.1 89 6 47.5
Chicago 1.8 95 6 50.5
Dallas 3.5 85 5 45
Dayton 7.2 89 2 45.5
Daytona 5.9 92 7 49.5
Elizabeth City 4.5 78 9 43.5
Houston 7.5 54 11 32.5
Key West 3.5 97 5 51
Merida 6.5 105 8 56.5
Morehead City 1.5 97 15 56
New Orleans 2.5 75 3 39
New York 5.5 62 7 34.5
Norfolk 2.5 64 0 32
Orlando 3.5 78 12 45
San Jose 2.4 101 4 52.5
The average rain fall is 4.26842.
Enter the city to be found: New York
New York's average temperature is 34.5

my problem is in the getline statemen and the binary search
with the getline statement my output has extra stuff i was wondering where to put the .ignore and with the binary search i cant get the display to produce the city that was entered and the cities average temperature can anybody help me

What did u change

I don't know what you need there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the getline statement what is wrong with the binary search you should really explain the problem so we understand the difficulty when you don't we just don't have any clear idea what might be wrong because we do not know the program only you do and what extra stuff are you talking about getline doesn't need a .ignore since it reads the entire line so there is nothing to ignore

well in the binary search i have to get it to where when you type in a city it will display the city and the average temperature and when i type in the city it either terminate or i would have some weird number like 1.75246e98 as the average temperature

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