I type 2009 in mask edit box and select August from a combo box. then I press report button for report. then show this msg:
"run time error 713
Application - defined or object defined error"
another thing when I run the exe of this project in another pc then show this msg.

While in the IDE, when that error comes up, press CTRL+Break. If you are in a error handler, type in resume next as the next line in the error handler (don't forget to remove it when your done debugging) and then press F8 twice. This should bring you to the line after the line that caused the error. So we will need to see at least this portion of code. Now, if you do not have an error handler, then it should end up highlighting the line that caused this error and once again, we will need to see this code as this error is so ambigious, it is hard to tell what caused this error.

Good Luck

Now, if you do not have an error handler, then it should end up highlighting the line that caused this error and once again,
Good Luck

in my project no error show. it run well. If I run the exe in another pc then this msg show. I copy some ocx and dll file with it.
another thing if I made a setup file with PDW it not complete. it show a error msg.
"unexpected error number 70 has occurred. Permission denied. "

Is UAC enabled? Turn it off. Did you right click and run as admin? No, then do so. If still have problems then use Inno or windows installer 1.1 of which you can find a link to it at webarchive in my #6 post in this thread http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread214396.html

Good Luck

I will try your suggestion. But I use pdw to make setup file in another computer. now it is ok and solve my problem. I don't know how and why?

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