hey does anyone know if i am using the srand() fucntion correctly to randomly choose if a persons letter is X or O?

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int playerTurn = rand() % 2;
char initPname;
if (playerTurn == 1) 
			initPname= 'X';
                        cout << "Your Letter is X.";
		} else 
			initPname = 'O';
                        cout << "Your letter is O.";
return 0;

Looks ok to me -- just remember that srand() is executed only once during the entire lifetime of the program while rand() is executed as many times as you need it.

It looks ok. I'm confused as to why you are incrementing and decrementing playerTurn in the branches of the if.

It looks ok. I'm confused as to why you are incrementing and decrementing playerTurn in the branches of the if.

oh i just copied the code from a program im creating(tic tac toe). im just using that to alternate turns. ill put that in a function and call it to do said task.

You might have it set up backwards then. Rand() % 2 gives 0 and up to but not including 2. If the value is 1 it gives 'X', which is ok but then it increments giving 2. If the value is 0 it gives 'O', but then it decrements giving -1.

according to my MSDN you should use srand((unsigned)time(0));

You might have it set up backwards then. Rand() % 2 gives 0 and up to but not including 2. If the value is 1 it gives 'X', which is ok but then it increments giving 2. If the value is 0 it gives 'O', but then it decrements giving -1.

oh ok ill change it then tnx

You might have it set up backwards then. Rand() % 2 gives 0 and up to but not including 2. If the value is 1 it gives 'X', which is ok but then it increments giving 2. If the value is 0 it gives 'O', but then it decrements giving -1.

yea i fixed it the decrement and increment where in the wrong brackets. thx for pointing it out

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