Hey everyone! this is my first post at this forum:P
Please go through and answer what question you can, i'm trying to make a software program which will auto type for me when ever i have a certain key down. something like this...
(please not that i am uterly new to C++ so my synthax should be way off)

on button press{
type out textarray[x];

it is important that this program has each letter typed out one by one. it is equaly important that the words be typed where ever the cursur is. I realize that i will need an array and some additional code and of course proper synthax.
is anyone willing to help me?
thanks a lot!
-James Lat

So let me get this straight. You have no clue about how to write a c or c++ program yet you expect to write something as complicated as that?? put this project aside for awhile until you learn the c++ language.

Hey everyone! this is my first post at this forum:P

We know. It's in the header with your name... ;)

Please go through and answer what question you can


is anyone willing to help me?


If you had actually asked some questions, this reply might be more useful. But it seems you didn't read the Member Rules as requested upon registering.

right. my question is how can i make this program?
i'm not new to programing, just in C++.
so how could i go abt making this simple software?
thanks for any help.

right. my question is how can i make this program?
i'm not new to programing, just in C++.
so how could i go abt making this simple software?
thanks for any help.

You can make this program by becoming more adept in the C++ language.

There are multiple tutorials online which explain how to code in C++, and it would do you much more good to read through them, than it would for us to answer every question you have about the language. There are also a whole bunch of books you can buy through Ebay and such, which will give you an adequate understanding of C++.

I must be forgetful. I thought I mentioned the Member Rules -- must be getting old. In any case, read the Member Rules. They will explain how not to ask a question and give ideas about what you need to provide.

hey all i do have one question which i know i won;t find in a forum unless if we change that)
i can figure out the everything else, i just need help with makign the text print out where the cursur is. even if it's not in the program.
is that even possible?

commented: You're a dense one. Read the forum rules then try again. +0
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