Hi, I've done a vb.net program. The program basically uses few reference for example system.io etc..
In order for my program to run on another computer, the computer need to have .net framework 2.0 installed..
Instead of installing the whole framework, can I just pack the references I used in the program together with the vb.net program.?

What packager/packer program should I use and how do I go about doing it..?

Please advice.. Thanks

>How to run vb.net application in computer without installing the whole .net framework

You can't run.

>What packager/packer program should I use and how do I go about doing it..?

Use Setup and deployment visual studio project template.

I found a way to do it..
You can use salamander .net linker. I don't exactly understand what it does but what I know is that I was able to pack the necessary reference and the program into 1 folder. When I move the folder to a computer without .net framework installed, it was able to run.

The demo version of the program will give u nag screens every time u run the packed program.

The side effect of doing it this way is my program file size increased from few KB to 40MB.

Its a (MSIL) code protection utility.

just install .NET 2.0!

you are creating a support nightmare by trying to cobble together some references.

The program is meant to be independant of the .net installed on the host computer.

I actually wrote the program for a friend and I'm only passing the exe files and not the source code because I don't think they know programming. So nobody is supporting the program except me.

For us, yes we know that we need to first install .net and so on and so forth but for the users, they do not know. For them it is more like double-click on the exe file and just use the program. It is about convenience. That is why I plan to link all the necessary .net reference into 1 folder/file so that they can just click it and use it.

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