[This is a multi-post; I thank you people for the attention]


How could I show a database datetime field (like mm/dd/yyyy) on a JTextField?


You can use string tokenizer or split method of string to format the input string like dd/mm/yy...then you put it as normal string in jtextfield....

[This is a multi-post; I thank you people for the attention]


How could I show a database datetime field (like mm/dd/yyyy) on a JTextField?


2 ways:
> Read it from the database using: ResultSet.getDate(), and store that value into a java.util.Date object. Then use java.text.SimpleDateFormat

> Read it as text from the query and then just display it:

select to_char(date_column,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), other_columns
from ....

You can use whatever format you want. Then read that column using ResultSet.getString()

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