Hi everyone!

I'm new to C++ and i was told Dev CPP is a good compiler. I installed it and anytime i try to open it comes out this message:

There doesn't seem to be GNU Make file in PATH or in Dev C++'s Bin path. Please make sure that you have GNU Make and adjust Bin setting or system PATH environment variable and that make setting in Compiler Option contains correct filename, otherwise you will not be able to compile anything.

I don't understand exactly what i am supposed to do. Can someone help me with this. Thank you in advance for your help.


Read beginner's tutorial for Dev Cpp and see what options you have missed during the install. Even you could try reinstalling it after reading the manual. This should sort it out for you.
Or see if you can weak with the settings (read tutorial first)

Thank you akssps011! I will read it. Do you think Dev-C++ bloodshed is good to start working on or do you suggest any other free compiler available?

As you mentioned that you are a beginner, I would recommend you to take as much less help of an IDE as possible. If you are using linux try using vim + GCC there.
Dev is also perfectly fine but try to explore it as much as possible.

> I'm new to C++ and i was told Dev CPP is a good compiler.
The compiler is OK (a bit old now), but the IDE is pretty poor by comparison to todays offerings.

For a start, it sounds like you downloaded the SMALLER of the two packages available.
Small -> IDE only
Large -> IDE + Compiler.

http://www.codeblocks.org/ is the general successor to Dev-C++ in the same mould.
Again, make sure you get the larger install first time around.

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