Hello all,
I'm trying for several days to learn how to implement a multicolumn DataGridViewComboColumn into my DataGridView.
So I have a DataGridView in witch i have a ComboColumn, i need when i dropdown that ComboColum to have multipe column like a gridview or table.
I hope that you understand what i want to say and i really hope that somebody can help me with it.
I have to mention that my application is made in C#(win forms) and i'm kind of beginner to it.

>I hope that you understand what i want to say and i really hope that somebody can help me with it.

Yes. Showing your code might help.

>I hope that you understand what i want to say and i really hope that somebody can help me with it.

Yes. Showing your code might help.

The problem is that i don't have one everything i tried was not working. I just need somebody to guide me to what i have to do.

The problem you are going to face is that the datagridview (dgv) combobox column is not a regular combobox. Usually you can use the OnDropDown event to show a form with your table in it. But the dgv version doesnt fire these events.
One option would be to use the CellClick event to show the form instead. You wouldnt even need to use a combobox column...any column works for this. I did something similar a little while back where i used a panel with a second dgv in it. When a user clicked a cell the panel appeared and i used the second dgv's Validated events to fire the value back to the first dgv.

Thank you I will try to do it, and let you now the result

Have a go and if you get stuck i'll dig out the code i used for you

Have a go and if you get stuck i'll dig out the code i used for you

That will be helpful, if u want and have time.

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