I have a problem trying to copy 3 fields on a form to a database. The reason I cannot seem to do it is that the last field asks how many copies you want to save in a combo box. So lets say the user selects 3 I need to be able to copy three sets of the same data to the database. just not sure how to approach this. Thanks in advance

>I have a problem trying to copy 3 fields on a form to a database.

Please elaborate on your question. I think you want to insert a row into a table.

>I have a problem trying to copy 3 fields on a form to a database.

Please elaborate on your question. I think you want to insert a row into a table.

Yes thats it, I know how to add a new row to the dataset and update using the commandbuilder but I am stuck on how to add more than one datarow based on the selection of the combobox. The combobox stores numbers from 1 - 20 so if the users selects 4 then 4 rows are added to the dataset from the textbox fields. Hope this explains things a bit better

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