Hi, thats very weird..if I pass my RECT by reference notting wrong happens, bu if I pass by value, the numbers get crazy.
The correct values are:

    {top=159 bottom=480 left=400 right=640}

What I get passing by value is:

{top=0 bottom=1 left=1964816 right=1058984360}

This happens at the first moment it enters the function( NO MODIFICATIONS ARE MADE ON THE RECT )..

Is this a 64 bit issue? Im on a x64 project..

>>Is this a 64 bit issue? Im on a x64 project..

Not if you are compiling with a 32-bit compiler. It's the compiler, not the os, that determines 32 or 64-bit programs. But I doubt that is the case. Post some code that demonstrates the problem.

//the function prototype:
HRESULT SetupDirectX11( HWND hWnd_p,
ID3D11Device *&pDevice_p, ID3D11DeviceContext *&pDIContext_p, IDXGISwapChain *&pSC_p,
						RECT wndrect_p,
						ID3D11RenderTargetView *&pRTV_p );

//Heres where I call the function( at WinMain, just after create my window) here the value of the rect passed is OK
	if( SetupDirectX11( g_hmainwnd, g_pDevice, g_pDIContext, g_pSwapChain, g_wndrect, g_pRTV ) != S_OK ) return -1;


//This function receives the rect, I just need its values:
HRESULT SetupDirectX11( HWND hWnd_p,
ID3D11Device *&pDevice_p, ID3D11DeviceContext *&pDIContext_p, IDXGISwapChain *&pSC_p,
						RECT wndrect_p,
						ID3D11RenderTargetView *&pRTV_p ){
//at the first moment the function is called(HERE), the values are alredy weird

After the function returns, the value of the rect is still ok...It just at the function it changes for crazy numbers. And if I pass by reference the values keep OK..Its so weird, I cant figure out whats happening.

Im using VS 2008 pro, solution platform x64.

Yes that is weird, I have never encountered such problem. Are you sure you are using the RECT right (ie . instead of ->)? And besides, why do you want to pass it by value instead of reference?

Yes that is weird, I have never encountered such problem. Are you sure you are using the RECT right (ie . instead of ->)? And besides, why do you want to pass it by value instead of reference?

Yes Im sure, is not "using it" that I see the problem, the compiler watch variables show the values...well I dont havve a reason, is just the logical thing since I dont need to change it..until I figure out whats going on Im passing by reference, I just want know the problem..

Ah! Im such an idiot...is just the watch values that are weird! Is this a bug? Looks like...I created a LONG x variable and assignt the rec values to it, the numbers are ok.

The weird is the watched variable value for the LONG x is ok, just the RECT watched values get weird....and..o.o just when pass by value....Thats so nonsense, can anyone test that?
I just added this at the begin of the function:
LONG x = wndrect_p.bottom;
x = wndrect_p.left;
x = wndrect_p.right;
x = wndrect_p.top;
The values of x are right...that the most nonsense thing ever, the hexa values are also displayed all different for the rect...and just when passed by value...@.@

VC++ 2008 has some problems with viewing the values of variables, I think it gets confused sometimes.

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