Hi, I am new to Python. I have written a routine and am trying to compile the code for distribution.
I went to http://sourceforge.net/projects/py2exe/files/ and downloaded the file
py2exe-0.6.9.win32-py2.6.exe. I am running Python 2.6 on a Win-XP Pro OS.
I assume this file is a self-extracting exe. The trouble is when I attempt to open the extractor file, I get the following message
"This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect".
One thing I noticed is the download site list the app as being 201.2kb and the actual size I see on my drive is 197kb.
Any help will be appreciated.

Well i would start by re-downloading the file. Something may have gone wrong that caused the download to stop halfway through.

So try that, if you haven't already :)

Paul, thank you but yes I have tried that. Am I correct in thinking this file is an installer?

Interestingly, I just installed PyScriptor. Install went ok but program issued same incorrect config message when I tried to launch it. What the heck is going on I wonder?

Did you use the Windows installer
to install your version of Python?

I sent a quick reply before but don't see it listed. I went back to where I installed from and I verified I chose v2.6.4 for windows when I originally downloaded python

is IE your browser? Old IE version used to corrup/almost download file. Use Download manager like the decent FDM

I thought about this last night and thought maybe I had a downleveled windows installer so I performed windows updates this morning.
I went to the original file downloaded py2exe-0.6.9.win32-py2.6.exe
and tried again, same result.
I did notice that I had another file named python-2.6.4.msi which V had asked about yesterday.

Ok, not sure how to proceed. Do I need to kick off python-2.6.4.msi?

BTW I am using firefox.

Any help appreciated and appreciate the effort so far

File python-2.6.4.msi is your installer for Python on Windows. Run it first then you can install py2exe.

Note that py2exe is not a compiler, but simply a packager that puts the Python interpreter, your program's byte code and all needed modules into a self-extracting executable for Windows.

Yes I did run python-2.6.4.msi for Python on Windows. When I installed Python.
Python itself works fine.

Also, I succeeded in downloading this "Packager", Py2exe, on a separate computer. That computer does not even have Python on it.

I apologize but I might be missing something basic in my understanding in all this. First time doing Python.

Yes I did run python-2.6.4.msi for Python on Windows. When I installed Python.
Python itself works fine.

Also, I succeeded in downloading this "Packager", Py2exe, on a separate computer. That computer does not even have Python on it.

I apologize but I might be missing something basic in my understanding in all this. First time doing Python.

Yep, vegaseat is right.
Python's compiler is builtin, but it doesn't compile to .exe.
It compiles to .pyc, which is bytecode python that is stilll opened with python.
Only Jython and IronPython have compilers, compiling to .jar and .NET assemblies respectively.

Luckily I just found the program I used many years ago to make exes for my friends:

I recommend you use the latest PyInstaller with it (I used PyInstaller instead of py2exe back then, too)

Yep, vegaseat is right.
Python's compiler is builtin, but it doesn't compile to .exe.
It compiles to .pyc, which is bytecode python that is stilll opened with python.
Only Jython and IronPython have compilers, compiling to .jar and .NET assemblies respectively.

Luckily I just found the program I used many years ago to make exes for my friends:

I recommend you use the latest PyInstaller with it (I used PyInstaller instead of py2exe back then, too)

Thanks. I have checked out the link. It seems I need yet other tools


Running GUI2Exe using Python requires:

1. Python 2.4+ ;
2. wxPython ansi/unicode (unicode recommended);
3. One (or more) of the Python executable builders.

This is getting confusing. I believe Py2exe is an executable builder. And the original question was why I can't install it. As GUI2Exe has a dependency on Py2exe, i am in same boat.
I don't know, it might just be me but this seems to be a lot of effort to create a simple executable.

I appreciate your input

Thanks. I have checked out the link. It seems I need yet other tools


Running GUI2Exe using Python requires:

1. Python 2.4+ ;
2. wxPython ansi/unicode (unicode recommended);
3. One (or more) of the Python executable builders.

This is getting confusing. I believe Py2exe is an executable builder. And the original question was why I can't install it. As GUI2Exe has a dependency on Py2exe, i am in same boat.
I don't know, it might just be me but this seems to be a lot of effort to create a simple executable.

I appreciate your input

What if you install PyInstaller instead of Py2Exe?
It also makes .exes.

I'm also wondering, do you regularly program in any other languages? Specifically either Java or any .NET language.

Also, of course it is a lot of effort to create an executable. Python to .exe is a lot of work, because it's the same idea as converting a flash .swf to .exe,
or a Word document .doc to exe.
That's why there isn't a button in IDLE that automatically compiles to .exe
Python is "write once, run anywhere with Python"
as opposed to Java's "write once, compile anywhere"
and C's "write once, compile and run in one platform"

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