I tried to change the value of a textbox from another window form.

the value is passed to another form properly, but I couldn't change the value in the textbox.

here is the code


public void setTextbox(String sd)

                    msg.Text = "fd";



 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            Form1 f = new Form1("dfs");


msgbox shows df which means the data has been passed properly, but the next line "msg.Text = "fd";" returns nullpointer exception :
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


I tried to change the value of a textbox from another window form.

the value is passed to another form properly, but I couldn't change the value in the textbox.

here is the code
public void setTextbox(String sd)

msg.Text = "fd";


private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Form1 f = new Form1("dfs");


msgbox shows df which means the data has been passed properly, but the next line "msg.Text = "fd";" returns nullpointer exception :
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Messagebox is a class that you cannot instantiate and that has not property (Get,set) this is way you cannot edit the Textbox. It return a null pointer because you did not define the variable msg (msg.Text means set the Text property of the object msg).

However here is a way you could do it.

public partial class Form1 : Form
                public Form1(string text)
                        this.Text = text; // this will set the form title

You could then add any component (Label, buttons, textbox) and set their value from additem.cs (making the components public).

To show your new form or Dialog

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            Form1 f = new Form1("dfs");

I'm sorry I didn't explain properly.

here msg is a TextBox ( that is msg = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); )

msg.Text = "fd";

I wanted to change this textbox text to "fd" by clicking on button that is on another form.

I tried to change the value of a textbox from another window form.

the value is passed to another form properly, but I couldn't change the value in the textbox.

here is the code

public void setTextbox(String sd)

                    msg.Text = "fd";



private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            Form1 f = new Form1("dfs");



msgbox shows df which means the data has been passed properly, but the next line "msg.Text = "fd";" returns nullpointer exception :
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.



I'm sorry I didn't explain properly.

here msg is a TextBox ( that is msg = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); )

msg.Text = "fd";

I wanted to change this textbox text to "fd" by clicking on button that is on another form.

Do your contructor contains InitializeComponent(); ?

yes it does

public Form1()
        public Form1(string st)
            this.st = st;

you can make the variables static. ex public static var1 on the other form just use form2.var1

it gives too many errors if I change the variable to static. I think making it static may not be a good idea.

yes it does

public Form1()
        public Form1(string st)
            this.st = st;

No..it doesnt.
The code you posted here is an example of method overloading; providing different implementations of a method with the same name but different parameters.

If you call Form1 f = new Form1(); without passing it a string, it will run the default constructor. If you call Form1 f = new Form1("something"); with a parameter then it will run the method that matches the parameters passed in.

The constructor that accetps a string does not include the InitializeComponent() method call so your controls are not instantiated.

Change your code to this:

public Form1()
        public Form1(string st)
            this.st = st;

only one of the constructors will run. Which one runs depends on the parameters you pass. You should ensure that all of the constructors include a call to InitializeComponent() so that your form is created correctly.

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