When i drag a report viewer to my form and customize it
and it works fine in my machine
but when i test it in other machine it cause error!!

hint: i test other application with the same database and they worked

the error is "windowsapplication1 has encountered problem and needs to close
if you were in the middle of something , the informaton you were working on might be lost"

is there something i should do with the reports??
and i attached my project and my database !!


>and it works fine in my machine but when i test it in other machine it cause error!!

You have to copy those database files in another machine too.

I copied it but i face the same error!!
is VS use some files in program file or any where!??

my error is "exception can not load file or assembly microsoft.report.viewer version cultural =neutral public key =token .... or one of its dependences "

Error says that you must have to install appropriate version of .net framework on target machine to run your application.

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