Guyz I need help... How can I transfer the data from the Specified cell of the Datagridview to texbox.. For example I click on the specified Datagridview cell, I have a 3 columns Name,Username and Password. I want to transfer all of them in their designated textboxes. txtboxName, txtboxUsername and txtPassword. Is there someone who can help me? It's like that the columns in the Datagridview were binded into the textboxes once I click on it.. It would really help me a lot!

Guyz I need help... How can I transfer the data from the Specified cell of the Datagridview to texbox.. For example I click on the specified Datagridview cell, I have a 3 columns Name,Username and Password. I want to transfer all of them in their designated textboxes. txtboxName, txtboxUsername and txtPassword. Is there someone who can help me? It's like that the columns in the Datagridview were binded into the textboxes once I click on it.. It would really help me a lot!


Maybe this forum thread can help you?

thanx for the link it really helped me.. I have a follow up question, If I pressed the arrow keys of the keyboard to select a specific cell of the datagridview, I want the specific value of each columns of the datagridview to be passed in their designated textboxes. How will I do it? Please help me guyz.. You're my only hope!

thanx for the link it really helped me.. I have a follow up question, If I pressed the arrow keys of the keyboard to select a specific cell of the datagridview, I want the specific value of each columns of the datagridview to be passed in their designated textboxes. How will I do it? Please help me guyz.. You're my only hope!

Hello again.

You probably want to use the CellEnter Event.
Or you can check out for other event that might suit you..

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