can anyone point what is wrong with my RegQuerryEx() function? Altough it return 0 :|

char buff[3] = {0};
	DWORD size = sizeof(buff);
	DWORD type;

	if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER , "Software\\vBx" , 0 , KEY_QUERY_VALUE , &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
		if(RegQueryValueEx(hkey , "log" , NULL , &type , (LPBYTE)buff , &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			if(strncmp(buff , "vBx" , 3))
				cout << "i was here";
			cout << GetLastError() << endl;

it never reaches the if() part

it never reaches the if() part

Which of the both?

RegQuerryEx() .....return GetLastError() -> 0 it doesnt to the comparation :|

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