i have a problem... i am new to python... and i have found a program that reads an sms directly from the phone's inbox... i am using nokia 6600... i just want to ask how will i be able to copy the sms file to a string? here is the code i saw in the net:

import appuifw,e32
import inbox

def exit_key_handler():

def read():
appuifw.app.title=u"Encoded Message"
msg=box.content(id[0]) # <-- how will i be able to copy this sms file to a string


app_lock = e32.Ao_lock()
round = appuifw.Text()
appuifw.app.body = round

appuifw.app.menu = [(u"Read message", read)]

appuifw.app.title=u"Message Retriever"

appuifw.app.exit_key_handler = exit_key_handler

* hope someone will help me with this...

Use code tag.

msg=box.content(id[0]) # <-- how will i be able to copy this sms file to a string 
print type(msg)  #Show what datatype msg is
print msg        #Try to print the message

Post the outcome of this

thank you very much


NameError: name 'msg' is not defined... dont get it.. msg mas defined already... hmmm

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