hello can you help me how to secure database password...hoping for your positive responds...thank you in advance..

did you mean to set password in ms access?

yes sir, please help me how.thank you in advance..hoping for your positive responds.

this is essay from other .............good luck

thank you for the reply sir..what about the persist security = false..i don't know how to use this i thought this is the code for securing password..help me sir please...hoping for your positive responds...

this is my connection..

ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\project.mdb"

i don't know how to use the syntax persist security etc.....thank you in advance sir...

thank you for the reply sir..what about the persist security = false..i don't know how to use this i thought this is the code for securing password..help me sir please...hoping for your positive responds...

this is my connection..

ConnectionString = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\project.mdb"

i don't know how to use the syntax persist security etc.....thank you in advance sir...

"provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & App.Path & "\project.mdb & ";User Id=admin;Password=;"

See http://www.connectionstrings.com for more information...

Good Luck

thank you for the reply sir,.. i will write again if i have some doubt.more power to you sir.

hello sir i tried it in Ms Access but the problem is that i can't found the tools,setpassword, ...my Ms Access version 92..and i think it is not compatible with the tutorial that you give...i want my ms access when the user will open this it will prompt a password..how can i do this please help me sir.hoping for your positive responds.

hello sir can i ask question for you?i tried it your code and i thought this will lock my ms access.but when i open it there is no message box that will prompt a password...sir i want my ms access to be protected with password..if i clik the ms access this will prompt a password how can i do this sir hoping for your positive responds...sir, can you explain me sir for what is this user id=Admin; password=;..what is the concept for this sir because i am confuse with this...please help me sir ..hoping for your positive responds..thank you in advance..here's my code

With con
  .ConnectionString = "provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source =" & App.Path & "\project.mdb ;User Id=admin;Password=;"
End With

hello sir i have problem in step 5 to step 6..i don't know where to locate that...sir is it possible to do this in code just to set password security for my project.mdb....so that if someone will open my project.mdb this will prompt a password security...please teach me how to code this sir..hoping for your positive responds..thank you in advance...

hello sir my ms access is not 2007,how can i set password on this.
and i convert project.mdb to 2007 Ms access but the problem is that i got a runtime error..project.mdb is not valid path if i will use this converted project.mdb.. but i f i will use again the orginal project.mdb there is no error. sir but i can't set password on this please help me sir..hoping for your positive responds.

Okay, within access the application, under tools>security>set database password. Enter the password you want. Then in your connection string, enter the same password...

Good Luck

sir thank you for the reply i can't really find the tools>security>set database password. ..try to check my project.mdb...hoping for your positive responds

Through access itself... NOT VB!

oki sir i found it sir...sir why i get runtime when i change admin to jem in here

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\mydatabase.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;

i want to change admin to jem sir..please help me how to change sir..and also this one sir for what is the purpose of .persist security info = false;"..please also explain me on this because i am confuse of this...hoping for your postive responds.

That is used not to preserver security informations like login credentials.

hello sir thank you for the reply, so it is constant the admin sir..that cannot be change?

That depends on which user has complete access over the access file. If your user has the previlages then, can also use that.

how to make the user to give the privelege sir can you help me?do i have configure this in ms access..hoping for your positive responds....

Jemz, I am confused. You want to password protect your .mdb database so any user can NOT open it. Why would you then want to give any user any priveleges on opening the database?

You will need administration privileges and the password to open the database OR to protect it. I suppose this is why you can not change the "admin" user to your own. I am not 100% sure though, but I will search for this and get back to you soon.

hello sir thanks for the patience i already know how to set password on my access and i use this persist security info=false;jet oledb:database password=meJem;"...so here's my other question sir this one..Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\mydatabase.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;
I want to change the admin sir to my own user id but i get runtime...okey sir i will wait for your positive responds....more power to you...
by d way sir the persist security info=false ...can you also explain for me this...so that i will understand what is this for...thank you again sir...

The description from Microsoft is as follows -

The Persist Security Info property specifies whether the data source can persist sensitive authentication information such as a password

I suggest that you read up on the following from Microsofts site -

This covers persist info in detail AND helps you make a decision on whether to ste its property to true or false. As you will see in the descriptions, it is better to use "False" which will then force windows authentication.

As for changing admin to jemz, see the following links -





hello sir thank you for the reply.. i will write again if i have doubt...more power to you....

Only a pleasure.

i submitted a reply earlier but it is not seen here. let me again do.

open the database and under users option add as many users as u want and assign permissions . then in connection string u can use any user other name admin.

i submitted a reply earlier but it is not seen here. let me again do.

open the database and under users option add as many users as u want and assign permissions . then in connection string u can use any user other name admin.

hello sir thank you for the reply i will write again sir if i doubt,thank you for helping me sir...hoping for your positive responds....

i submitted a reply earlier but it is not seen here. let me again do.

open the database and under users option add as many users as u want and assign permissions . then in connection string u can use any user other name admin.

hello sir,i tried it sir but i get an error i change the user id=jem etc...here my database sir and my code...please help me sir hoping for your positive responds....

for create connection string in fast mode
craete a file like a.txt
rename a.txt to a.udl
dblclick on it and create ur connection string with dialog
and save
after that open a.udl with notepad ur connections string was there

for create connection string in fast mode
craete a file like a.txt
rename a.txt to a.udl
dblclick on it and create ur connection string with dialog
and save
after that open a.udl with notepad ur connections string was there

hello sir thank you for the reply..sir i don't have any idea about you said i am still a beginner and i am newly to the one you said..please help me sir hoping for your positive responds...thank you in advance...

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