We have a MDI main form, which contains a main menu and holds the properties and routines to
- select, read and write a selected DAT-input file, and to convert the data to and from a MS-Access database
- open forms like grids and specificly an InpMatrix (which shows INPUTMATH data).

This InpMatrix is a form with a TableLayoutPanel (TLP) which contains a matrix of usercontrols and holds the
properties and routines to
- read and write data the MS-Access database from and to a (temporary) dataset.
- Draw a matrix with usercontrols, and fill it with data from the dataset
- select, read and write data and properties in the usercontrols

There are 3 usercontrols:
- ucStream which holds the properties and routines of the Stream class
They are presented as the "labels" in the top of the TLP (x-direction)
- ucComponent which holds the properties and routines of the Component class
They are presented as the "labels" on the left of the TLP (y-direction)
- ucCell which holds the properties and routines of the Cell class

Some Routines of the usercontrol are Public, so they are accessible from the InpMatrix form.
In this way a form subroutine can handle multple usercontrols simultaniously.

Some routines of the InpMartix are also Public, so they can be accessed from the main form.
I also need to access the InpMatrix routines from a usercontrol, so clicking on a ucStream will not only
select the cell itself, but will select all the cells in the column.
--> Making the InpMatrix routines Public turns out to be INsufficient to access these routines from a usercontrol.
So to be able to access these routines I tried making them Public shared. No luck: the Public shared functions
are even unaccessible from the main and the InpMatrix itself. I am probably overlooking something obvious...

Have a look at following code-snippet.

public class Test
   public shared Sub Foo()

   End Sub
End Class

Now, to call Foo() method.


Thanks for the swift reply, adatapost

This works perfectly if i call the public shared sub ( in the InpMatrix class) from the main, but if I try it from a usercontrol, it fails.
Calling the sub is no problem, but the statements inside react differently somehow.

Maybe it has to do with the functionality of the TLP, but I think I am making an obvious mistake (like the N00b I am). I give you the code snipplets to judge for yourself:


Private Sub mnuINPMAT_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuINPMAT.Click
        Dim INPMAT As New InpMatrix
        INPMAT.MdiParent = Me
        'Testen van de public (shared) subs
        INPMAT.SelectCell(2, 2) 'Works fine: selectcell is public, not shared
        'INPMAT.SelectLabels(2, 2)  'Warning:	Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated.
        InpMatrix.SelectLabels(2, 2)  'Error at runtime
    End Sub


Public Shared currentRow As New ucComponent
    Public Shared currentColumn As New ucStream
    Public Shared currentCell As New ucCell

    Private Sub INPMATviewer_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        'Testing public (shared) subs
        'Me.SelectCell(3, 3)         'Works fine: selectcell is public, not shared
        'InpMatrix.SelectLabels(3, 3)   'FOUT
    End Sub

    Public Sub SelectCell(ByVal x, ByVal y)                     'De-shared for testing
        Dim mycell As New ucCell
        'mycell = Me.TLP.GetControlFromPosition(x, y)         'Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 
        currentCell = mycell                                  'only when called from usrecontrol inside TLP
    End Sub
    Public Shared Sub SelectLabels(ByVal x, ByVal y)          'Shared to be accessible from usercontrol
        InpMatrix.currentColumn = InpMatrix.TLP.GetControlFromPosition(x, 0)
															  'Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 
        InpMatrix.currentColumn.ucSelect()                    'when called from main, InpMatrix(itself) or usrecontrol 
        InpMatrix.currentRow = InpMatrix.TLP.GetControlFromPosition(0, y)
    End Sub

Private Sub TLP_MouseClick( _
    ByVal sender As System.Object, _
    ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
    Handles TLP.MouseClick
        Dim Row As Integer = 0
        Dim VSpace As Integer = 0
        For Each h As Integer In TLP.GetRowHeights()
            Dim Column As Integer = 0
            Dim HSpace As Integer = 0
            For Each w As Integer In TLP.GetColumnWidths()
                Dim Rect As New Rectangle(HSpace, VSpace, w, h)
                If (Rect.Contains(e.Location)) Then

                    Me.SelectCell(Column, Row)				'Works fine: selectcell is public, not shared
                    InpMatrix.SelectLabels(2, 2)			'Error at runtime

                End If
                HSpace += w
                Column += 1
            VSpace += h
            Row += 1
    End Sub


Public Sub ucSelect()            
        If Selected Then DoubleSelected = True
        Selected = True
        BackColor = clrSelect
        If Selected Then
             CMS.Items(0).Text = "Unselect Cell"
             cmbCellLabel.Visible = True
        End If
    End Sub
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