Hello again, hope you guys can help me again ^^
Will make text red where need help.
Sry its long...

Ok, so(sorry if some things are in a diffirent language in there), the assigment is:

to make a program using a Horoscope structure

struct Horoscops{
       string name;
       int dzim[2];
       string sign;

dzim = holds year/month/date
I think this is correct.
Also the program has have a list of 20 names, have that.
Has to generate a random year/month/date for each person(year from 1909-2009) - Here, for some reason can't make the random generator loop so that each person, only can get 1. So didn't include the error to make it cleaner.

The input/output has to be something like this:

Ievadiet savu vaardu ==> Iveta
Ievadiet dzimsanas datus ==> 1989 10 12

Juusu horoskopa ziime ir "Svari"

Horoskopa zimee "Svari" dzimusi ari

Janis 1965.09.29
Inga 2003.10.21

Same thing but translated....

Enter your name ==> Iveta
Enter your birth date ==> 1989 10 12

Your horoscope sign is "Svari"

The horoscope sign "Svari" is also shared by

Janis 1965.09.29
Inga 2003.10.21

To be honest, i don't rly know how to use the structure classes yet. So... help? ^^
Also i realize ill have to change the signs output from just cout "horoscope sign" , so something like sign = " horosope sign" so it can be used in the structure.
But since i don't know how to use structures properly. -.-'

Huh... also i just realized that i didnt do the

cout << "enter your name ==> ";
cin >> name;
cout <<endl << "enter your bday ==> ";
cin >> bday;

Will do that when i get some help ^^

Don't mind the outputs I have, i did that just to see if they generate everything correctly.
So this is what I got.

#include <cstdlib> 
#include <ctime> 
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct Horoscops{
       string name;
       int dzim[2];
       string sign;

void printhor (Horoscops hor);

int main()
    string sign;
    Horoscops mas[20];
    string names[20] = {"Billy" , "John" ,  "Jacob" , "Michael" , "Alexander" , "William" , "David" , "Ryan" , "Jack" , "Lucas", "Emily" , "Olivia"  , "Sophia" , "Alexis" , "Ashley" , "Anna" , "Victoria" , "Lauren" , "Julia" , "Sophie"};
    // Name Generator
    int rnames;
    rnames = (rand()%19)+1;

    //Year Generator
    int ryear;
    ryear =(rand()%100)+1909;

    //Month Generator
    int rmonth;
    rmonth = (rand()%12)+1;

    //Day Generator
    int rday;
    if( rmonth == 1 || 3 || 5 || 7 || 8 || 10 || 12){
            rday = (rand()%31)+1;
            else if(rmonth == 4 || 6 || 9 || 11){
                     int rday;
                     rday = (rand()%30)+1;
                           int rday;
                           rday = (rand()%28)+1;
    cout << names[rnames] << " " << ryear << " " << rmonth << " " << rday << endl;
    if((rmonth == 3 && rday>20) || (rmonth == 4 && rday <20)){
        cout << "Auns";
        else if((rmonth == 4 && rday >19) || (rmonth == 5 && rday <21)){
             cout << "Veersis" ;
             else if((rmonth == 5 && rday >20) || (rmonth == 6 && rday <22)){
                  cout << "Dviini" ;
                  else if((rmonth == 6 && rday >21) || (rmonth ==7  && rday < 23)){
                  cout << "Veerzis";
                  else if((rmonth == 7 && rday >22) || (rmonth == 8 && rday < 23)){
                       cout << "Lauva";
                       else if((rmonth == 8 && rday >22) || (rmonth == 9 && rday <23)){
                            cout << "Jaunava";
                            else if(( rmonth == 9 && rday >22) || (rmonth == 10 && rday <24)){
                                 cout << "Svari";
                                 else if(( rmonth == 11 && rday > 21) || (rmonth == 12 && rday < 22)){
                                      cout << "Streelnieks";
                                      else if((rmonth == 12 && rday>11)|| (rmonth == 1 && rday <20)){
                                           cout << "Mezaazis";
                                           else if((rmonth == 1 && rday >19) ||(rmonth == 2 && rday < 19)){
                                                cout << "Uudenssviirs";
                                                else if ((rmonth == 2 && rday >18) || (rmonth == 3 && rday < 21)){
                                                     cout << "Zivs";
                  cout << endl << endl;

   // 1 3 5 7 8 10 12 = 31
   //4 6 9 11 = 30
   //2 = 28
   // January , March , May , July , August , October , December - 31
   // April, June , September, November - 30
   // Febuary - 28

    return 0;

Your array for month/day/year is too small - should be dzim[3] don't you think? Also, I'm a little confused - why are you asking for a birth date and then doing a random date later in the program?

Ahh... ok. ill make it bigger.

but, its like...
You enter your bday(year/month/date) and it tells you yours.
The random generator randomly generates for the other 20 people(the names i have). And if any1 has same sign as mine(from the random gen.) It has to pop up in the output in the end saying.

has the same sign as you.
I though i wrote that in the beggining =\

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