what are the image compression algorithms ? how to implement a new image compression algorithms ? can u give some tips to develop the code?

jonsca commented: Don't bump old threads -1

You don't need us to try and fill in a books worth of info, on image compression. Use Google and be prepared for a lot of reading.

There are dozens of image compression formats already developed. Why do you need a new one?

It's not like these formats are worn out after you use them for a few images, or something. ;)

You may want to also visit the newsgroups, google, and yahoo groups that work with images and especially their algorithms and processing for compression/decompression. Usually for something this technical, I'd head for google, and then go hunting for the right newsgroup that specializes in it.

Good luck!

what are the image compression algorithms ? how to implement a new image compression algorithms ? can u give some tips to develop the code?

ever heard of Google? it's pretty cool. you might like it.

Hello all,

I need to write a code that compress and uncompresses thegiven file in c.Well i know there
are many algorithms available ,one of the famous algorithms is Huffman's algorithm.But how do i implement the algorithm ?.I googled a lot but couldn't able to find ?.Is there any simple file compression algorithm is available ?

Hi. I think at first you should try run-length encoding (RLE) algorithm - it is very simple and often it is used in many compression programs before applying any other advanced compression scheme (such as Huffman or etc.).

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