My name is Karla, I'm seeking help for my friend who is a programmer. He created a Mp3 player, but he can't get it to browse files and directories in the same browsing window.
He has created a Buttom for browse which loads a new window where we can navigate thru all computer directories, when we find a folder, we select it and we click open. Then it shows all files that is inside the folder on a new window list placed on the player. I was wondering if anyone could help me. I wonder if he can make the files and directory browser all showing in the list that is attached on the player, so we dont need to click the browse buttom every time we wanna go to another location.
I was thinking of something like


More or less, like a browsing list that shows hard disks, folders and files.
Like We open C Location, then inside we see A buttom to return to previuos folder, all folders located inside it and all files.

This is how it looks like now

So i wonder if he make all the dark disk browse all navigation happen on the window attached on the player like the image below, or more of less. Of course it would start showing the Hard disks instead.

I thank in advance for ur help

>My name is Karla, I'm seeking help for my friend who is a programmer. He created a Mp3 player, but he can't get it to browse files and directories in the same browsing window.

Okay, Karla, from what I can see from your screenshots, the dialog displayed is called "the browse for folder dialog". Hence, not being able to select a single file...

Now, with the rest of you question, your friend could also add the drive list box, dir list box, and file list box controls and then have no need for the browse for folder dialog or the common dialog control. OR, they could use the treeview control, and the ListView control along with the Dir Function (or API FindFirst and FindNext, or FSO, or the controls I listed earlier but hidden), if they wanted to jazz things up a little.

Good Luck

Karla, attached is a sample of a treeview with API and custom icons. You can use your own icons etc. All you need now is to write the code once you click on a file to add it to your media player. I will try and upgrade this for you as soon as I get some time.

Also attached is a small app searching for specific folders or files in any drive and THEN populates a listbox with the found files, almost like XP search option


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