Okay, when I first started trying to teach java to myself, I picked up a book called "Java: A beginners guide" by Herbert Schildt. I thought compiling was going to be as easy as c, I was of course wrong. Well through various searches I've figured out how to get javac to run by chaning the PATH variable, but it seems like it's not actually compiling my Exaple4.java file
It says:
javac: no source files
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
where possible opitions include:
blah blah (list of options)
Okay, no clue if it's compiled i think not, but then it throws an example4.html file in /demo/applets/animator, demo/applets/GraphLayout, demo/applets/WireFrame, demo/plugin/applets/animator, demo/plugin/applets/GraphLayout, and demo/plugin/applets/WireFrame

AND it throws a TableExample4.java file into demo/jfc/TableExample/src, and demo/plugin/jfc/TableExample/src.

I have no idea what is going on here, Im just so confused, and all these explanations I read are so vague. I've read some pretty great ones from the generous people here, and I thought you all might be able to help me. Because unless I can compile files I can't begin learning the language, first thing is first you know. Thanks to any who may reply.

How are you compiling this??

are you using the form:

javac ProjectName.java

to run

java ProjectName

Have you changed your CLASSPATH variable?

Yes Im using the command console, and the commands javac file.java, and java file.
I set the classpath to the location of my file, via:
Javac -classpath c:\javastuff\file.java

I know it's doing SOMETHING because as I said it's putting those strange files in about 8 different folders with in the JDK folder. How do I know if it's working?

you have to compile the java program with the same directory in which you saved the source file.this will definitely work.

I don't know how to explain it better, I've stated every bit of information i've recieved. Obviously if the javac program is creating new files in various directories within the JDK folder, it has done something. But yet it says there is no source file, so what did it do? and the files it made are not class files, they are .html files, and .java files.

If it worked correctly there would be one executable file right? How do i get it to work, and how do i know it worked. I am new enough at this where I really could use some very detailed help, I've given all the information i know, and the evidence is clear that it's not that javac doesn't see the file, because that produces a different error message. In fact it doesn't produce an error message, it says just what I typed into the first post I wrote.

There's got to be an awsner, and if you've already told it to me (which i don't think has happened, because the stated solutions are about setting the classpath so that javac can find the file, which we know from the evidence that it already has) im too dumb for that level of detail, I require more detail please.

god i must sound like an asshole, im really sorry if i came off as that, im just frusterated and desperate.

For first time users, I recommend downloading BlueJ. Install JRE 1.4(or 5) SDK into its default directory. Make some class in BlueJ then hit "compile". Right-click and run your main method.

no, beginning users shouldn't use any IDE.
It prevents them from learning the basics by hiding those basics from them.

Hi everyone,

You can use a no frills ide called Java IDE 1.7
It seems to be a very simple ide to use and free. This ide is something like borland's
turbo c compiler.

Yours Sincerely

Richard West

I agree with jwenting. If you don't understand how java is compiling your programs, nor how to compile without a program to do it for you...how do you expect to be a great java developer?
Not that Im great lol...that's ridiculous. I suck ass at java right now. But I still believe that the fundamentals are important, even if it all it does is help you get better at finding information online.
Remember it's the journey that counts not the end results.

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