hi i want to give my sprites some weapons- one a gun and the other a sword but i have no idea what i am doing, can anyone help me do this please? i've included my main.cpp, player.cpp and player.h if it helps.. im using visual c++ and SDL and im trying to make a mario type game..


#include "global.h"

	x		= 50;			//start coordinates
	y		= 1500;

	h		= PLAYERHEIGHT;	//save player height and width

	velx	= 0;			//speed
	vely	= 0;

	lockjump = true;		//player may jump
	faceright = true;		//player looks right
	jumping = false;

	slope_prevtilex = (x + (w>>1)) / TILESIZE;
	slope_prevtiley = (y + h) / TILESIZE;

void CPlayer::unlockjump(){		//this function is called if the player hits the ground
	//this if is quite tricky:
	//the player may jump again:
	//a) if he fell of an edge (!jumping) - without releasing the jump key on the ground
	//b) if he jumped - only when he releases the jump key on the ground
	if(!jumping || !keystates[SDLK_RSHIFT]){
		lockjump = false;
		jumping = false;

void CPlayer::draw(){
		spr_player[1].draw((x-4) - scroll_x, (y-2) - scroll_y);
		spr_player[0].draw((x-17) - scroll_x, (y-2) - scroll_y);

bool CPlayer::collision_hor_down(int x, int y, int &tilecoordy){
	int tilexpixels = x-(x%TILESIZE);	//calculate the x position (pixels!) of the tiles we check against
	int testend = x + w;		//calculate the end of testing (just to save the x+w calculation each for loop)

	tilecoordy = y/TILESIZE;			//calculate the y position (map coordinates!) of the tiles we want to test

	int tilecoordx = tilexpixels/TILESIZE;	//calculate map x coordinate for first tile

	//loop while the start point (pixels!) of the test tile is inside the players bounding box
	while(tilexpixels <= testend){
		if(map.map(tilecoordx, tilecoordy) == t_solid)	//is a solid tile is found at tilecoordx, tilecoordy?
			return true;	

		tilecoordx++;		//increase tile x map coordinate
		tilexpixels+=TILESIZE;	//increase tile x pixel coordinate

	return false;

bool CPlayer::collision_hor_up(int x, int y, int &tilecoordy){
	int tilexpixels = x-(x%TILESIZE);
	int testend = x + w;

	tilecoordy = y/TILESIZE;

	int tilecoordx = tilexpixels/TILESIZE;

	while(tilexpixels <= testend){
		if(map.map(tilecoordx, tilecoordy) != t_nonsolid) //only this changed: when jumping (moving up) we don't want to go through slopes
			return true;	

	return false;

//for explanation see CPlayer::collision_hor()
bool CPlayer::collision_ver(int x, int y, int &tilecoordx){
	int tileypixels = y-(y%TILESIZE);
	int testend = y + h;

	tilecoordx = x/TILESIZE;

	int tilecoordy = tileypixels/TILESIZE;

	while(tileypixels <= testend){
		if(map.map(tilecoordx, tilecoordy) == t_solid)
			return true;

		tileypixels += TILESIZE;

	return false;

bool CPlayer::collision_slope(int sx, int sy, int &tsx, int &tsy){	
	tsx = sx / TILESIZE;	//map coordinates of the tile we check against
	tsy = sy / TILESIZE;

	TileType t = map.map(tsx, tsy);
	//if we found a slope we set align y to the slope.
	//take a look at jnrdev #2, why it's calculated this way
	if(t == t_sloperight){
		//sloperight -> \  
		y =  (tsy+1)*TILESIZE - (TILESIZE - (sx%TILESIZE))  - h - 1;
		return true;;
	else if(t == t_slopeleft){
		//slopeleft -> /
		y =  (tsy+1)*TILESIZE - sx%TILESIZE  - h - 1 ;
		return true;
	return false;

void CPlayer::collision_detection_map(){
	//check for slopes (only if moving down)
	if(vely > 0){
		int tsx, tsy;				//slope tile coordinates
		int sx = x + (w>>1) + velx;	//slope chechpoint x coordinate

		if(collision_slope(sx, (y + h), tsx, tsy) ){	//we entered a slope (y is set by collision_slope)
			x += velx;	//move on
			//y has been set by collision_slope
			unlockjump();	//we hit the ground - the player may jump again

			vely = 1;		//test against the ground again in the next frame

			slope_prevtilex = tsx;	//save slope koordinate
			slope_prevtiley = tsy;

		else{				//we're not on a slope this frame - check if we left a slope
			//-1 ... we didn't move from slope to slope
			//0 ... we left a slope after moving down
			//1 ... we left a slope after moving up
			int what = -1;

			if(map.map(slope_prevtilex, slope_prevtiley) == t_sloperight){
				if(velx > 0)	//sloperight + velx > 0  = we left a slope after moving up the slope
					what = 0;
					what = 1;	//we left after moving down the slope
			else if(map.map(slope_prevtilex, slope_prevtiley) == t_slopeleft){
				if(velx < 0)	//sloperight + velx > 0  = we left a slope after moving up the slope
					what = 0;
					what = 1;	//we left after moving down the slope

			if(what != -1){		//if we left a slope and now are on a slope
				int sy;

				if(what == 1){
					y =  tsy*TILESIZE - h -1;		//move y to top of the slope tile
					sy = y + h;
					y =  (tsy+1)*TILESIZE - h -1;	//move y to the bottom of the slope tile
					sy = y + h + TILESIZE;			//test one tile lower than the bottom of the slope (to test if we move down a long slope)
													//it's physically incorrect, but looks a lot smoother ingame

				//check for slopes on new position
				if( collision_slope(sx, sy, tsx, tsy) ){	//slope on new pos (entered a slope after we left a slope)
															//-> we moved from slope to slope
					x += velx;


					vely = 1;

					slope_prevtilex = tsx;
					slope_prevtiley = tsy;


	//no slope collisions were found -> check for collisions with the map
	int tilecoord;

	//x axis first (--)
	if(velx > 0){		//moving right
		if(collision_ver(x+velx+w, y, tilecoord))	//collision on the right side.
			x = tilecoord*TILESIZE -w-1;			//move to the edge of the tile (tile on the right -> mind the player width)
		else			//no collision
			x += velx;
	else if(velx < 0){	//moving left
		if(collision_ver(x+velx, y, tilecoord))		//collision on the left side
			x = (tilecoord+1)*TILESIZE +1;			//move to the edge of the tile
			x += velx;

	//then y axis (|)
	if(vely < 0){	//moving up
		if(collision_hor_up(x, y+vely, tilecoord)){
			y		= (tilecoord+1)*TILESIZE +1;
			vely	= 0;
			y		+= vely;
			vely	+=GRAVITATION;
	else{		//moving down / on ground
		//printf("test: down, vely:%d\n", vely);
		if(collision_hor_down(x, y+vely+h, tilecoord)){	//on ground
			y		= tilecoord*TILESIZE -h-1;
			vely	= 1;				//1 so we test against the ground again int the next frame (0 would test against the ground in the next+1 frame)

		else{	//falling (in air)
			y		+= vely;
			vely	+= GRAVITATION;

			if(vely >= TILESIZE)		//if the speed is higher than this we might fall through a tile
				vely = TILESIZE;

			lockjump = true;			//don't allow jumping after falling of an edge

	slope_prevtilex = (x + (w>>1)) / TILESIZE;
	slope_prevtiley = (y + h) / TILESIZE;

void CPlayer::think(){
	velx=0;	//don't move left / right by default

		velx = VELMOVING;		//move right
		faceright = true;		//player graphic is facing right
		velx = -VELMOVING;		//move left
		faceright = false;		//player graphic is facing left
	if(keystates[SDLK_UP] && !lockjump){	//if the player isn't jumping already
		vely = -VELJUMP;		//jump!
		lockjump = true;		//player is not allowed to jump anymore
		jumping = true;


	//now that we have our new position it's time to update the scrolling position
	scroll_x = x - 270;
	scroll_y = y - 260;


void CPlayer::think2(){
	velx=0;	//don't move left / right by default

		velx = VELMOVING;		//move right
		faceright = true;		//player graphic is facing right
		velx = -VELMOVING;		//move left
		faceright = false;		//player graphic is facing left
	if(keystates[SDLK_w] && !lockjump){	//if the player isn't jumping already
		vely = -VELJUMP;		//jump!
		lockjump = true;		//player is not allowed to jump anymore
		jumping = true;



	//now that we have our new position it's time to update the scrolling position
	scroll_x = x - 270;
	scroll_y = y - 260;


class CPlayer{
		void think();			//handle input, collision detection, ...
		void draw();
		void think2();			//handle input, collision detection, ...
		void draw2();


		int x, y;			//x, y coordinate (top left of the player rectangle)
		int x2, y2;
		int h, w;			//height, width
		int velx, vely;		//velocity on x, y axis
		bool faceright;		//player facing right? -> graphics

		bool lockjump;		//may the player jump
		bool jumping;
		int slope_prevtilex;//the tile at slopex, slopey in the last frame
		int slope_prevtiley;

		void collision_detection_map();								//does the whole collision detection

		bool collision_ver(int x, int y, int &tilecoordx);			//tests for collision with a tile on the vertikal line from [x,y] to [x,y+height]
		bool collision_hor_up(int x, int y, int &tilecoordy);		//horizontal line from [x,y] to [x+width, y]
		bool collision_hor_down(int x, int y, int &tilecoordy);		//same as hor_up, but we don't want to go through slopes here
		bool collision_slope(int sx, int sy, int &tsx, int &tsy);	//test for collisions against a slope at sx, sy - if a slope is found y is set accordingly

		void unlockjump();											//the player may jump again if the conditions in this function are true
//---------------- includes ----------------
#include "global.h"				

//---------------- global variables ----------------
Uint8			*keystates;
SDL_Surface		*screen;		//the screen (main sdl surface which is visible on the monitor)

gfxSprite		spr_t[7];
gfxSprite		spr_player[2];
gfxSprite		spr_player2[2];

gfxSprite		spr_background;

gfxFont			font;

//game objects

CPlayer			player;
CPlayer			player2;

CMap			map;

CTile			tileset[9];

//scroll offset
int scroll_x = 0;
int scroll_y = 0;

//---------------- main ----------------

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	unsigned int	framestart;
	float			fps = 0, framefps = 0;
	int				divisor;
	bool			done;
	SDL_Event		event;

	//---------------- init the "engine" ----------------
	//initialize SDL
	gfx_init(640,480, false);
	//get keystate array
	keystates = SDL_GetKeyState(0);

	//---------------- load resources (graphics) ----------------
	spr_t[0].init("gfx/t1.bmp");					//tile graphics
	spr_t[2].init("gfx/t3.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
	spr_t[3].init("gfx/tsloper.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
	spr_t[4].init("gfx/tslopel.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
	spr_t[5].init("gfx/t6.bmp", 255, 0, 255);
	spr_t[6].init("gfx/t7.bmp", 255, 0, 255);

	spr_player[0].init("gfx/left2.bmp", 255,0,255);	//player graphics
	spr_player[1].init("gfx/right2.bmp", 255,0,255);

	spr_player2[0].init("gfx/Rleft.bmp", 255,0,255);	//player graphics
	spr_player2[1].init("gfx/Rright.bmp", 255,0,255);


	spr_background.init("gfx/bg.bmp");				//background

	font.init("gfx/font0.bmp");						//font

	//---------------- init the game variables ----------------
	tileset[0].type = t_nonsolid;		tileset[0].spr = NULL;
	tileset[1].type = t_solid;			tileset[1].spr = NULL;
	tileset[2].type = t_solid;			tileset[2].spr = &spr_t[0];
	tileset[3].type = t_solid;			tileset[3].spr = &spr_t[1];
	tileset[4].type = t_nonsolid;		tileset[4].spr = &spr_t[2];
	tileset[5].type = t_sloperight;		tileset[5].spr = &spr_t[3];
	tileset[6].type = t_slopeleft;		tileset[6].spr = &spr_t[4];
	tileset[7].type = t_solid;			tileset[7].spr = &spr_t[5];
	tileset[8].type = t_solid;			tileset[8].spr = &spr_t[6];

	//initialize the map, the player has already been initialized by its constructor

	printf("\nhere comes the game loop...\n") ;
	done = false;

	//---------------- game loop ----------------
	while (!done){
		framestart = SDL_GetTicks();

		//handle messages
				case SDL_QUIT:
					done = true;


		if(keystates[SDLK_ESCAPE])		//quit?
			done = true;

		//---------------- update objects (game logic) ----------------


		//---------------- draw everything (render the scene) ----------------
		int sdx = (scroll_x%spr_background.getWidth());
		int sdy = (scroll_y%spr_background.getHeight());
		spr_background.draw(-sdx, - sdy);
		spr_background.draw(spr_background.getWidth() - sdx, -sdy);
		spr_background.draw(- sdx, spr_background.getHeight()-sdy);
		spr_background.draw(spr_background.getWidth() - sdx, spr_background.getHeight()-sdy);



		//the info text
		font.drawf(0,0, "fps: frame/real/lock: %.1f/%.1f/%.1f", framefps, fps, (float)(1000 / WAITTIME));

		//---------------- that's it, now flip the buffers and keep the framerate constant ----------------

		divisor = SDL_GetTicks()-framestart;
		if(divisor != 0)
			framefps = (float)( 1000 / divisor );	//this is the framerate without vsync and the frame break
			fps = 1111.11f;

		SDL_Flip(screen);	//double buffering -> flip buffers, also waits for vsync

		while((SDL_GetTicks()-framestart) < WAITTIME);	//framebreak - keep framerate constant at 1000/WAITTIME fps
		divisor = SDL_GetTicks()-framestart;
		if(divisor != 0)
			fps = (float)( 1000 / (SDL_GetTicks()-framestart) );		//this is the framerate with vsync and the framebreak (should be equal to 1000/WAITTIME)
			fps = 1111.11f;

	return 0;

1) Create a member variable. To hold the weapon.

class CPlayer{
 Sprite weapon;

Now create a get and set function for the weapon :

void setWeapon(const Sprite& aWeapon){
 weapon = aWeapon;
Weapon getWeapon()const{
 return weapon;

Now you need position the weapon and use it accordingly.

thanks for that, anychance you could be more specific to my code? im having so many issues

Its hard because thats a lot of code, for 1 post, and plus its not mines. But
try something like this :

class CPlayer{
  gfxSprite weapon;
 void setWeapon(const gfxSprite& obj){ weapon = obj; }
 gfxSprite getWeapon()const{ return weapon; }
 void attack(){ /* logic here to attack with weapon */ }
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