I know that the .txt file is being opened correctly, however, I don't know why the getline function is not storing the first line and outputting it correctly.

//Joseph Yong
//Homework 7
//Main File

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Customer.h"

using namespace std;

Customer cust;
string blank = " ";
string line;
int start, end, count;
string titl, firstNam, middleNam, lastNam, add, cit, stat, zip, phone;

int main()
	ifstream fileIn;
		cout << "Failure to open file.\n\n";
	getline(cin, line);
	cout << line;
	start = 0;
	end = line.find(blank, start);
	count = end - start;
	titl = line.substr(start, count);

	return 0;
//Joseph Yong
//Homework 7
//Implementation File

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Customer.h"

using namespace std;


void Customer::setTitle(string titl)
	title = titl;

void Customer::setName(string firstNam, string middleNam, string lastNam)
	firstName = firstNam;
	middleName = middleNam;
	lastName = lastNam;

void Customer::setAddress(string add, string cit, string stat)
	streetAdd = add;
	city = cit;
	state = stat;

void Customer::setZip(string zip)
	zipCode = zip;

void Customer::setPhone(string phone)
	phoneNum = phone;

string Customer::getTitle()
	return title;

string Customer::getFirstName()
	return firstName;

string Customer::getMidName()
	return middleName;

string Customer::getLastName()
	return lastName;

string Customer::getStreetAdd()
	return streetAdd;

string Customer::getCity()
	return city;

string Customer::getState()
	return state;

string Customer::getZip()
	return zipCode;

string Customer::getPhone()
	return phoneNum;

void Customer::displayLabel(ostream &out)
	out << title;

Any ideas? Thanks~!

getline(cin, line);

You're still pulling from cin. Change that to be your file stream:

getline(fileIn, line);

EDIT: Narue beat me to it

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