I would like to know how to pass object array (object[]) between classes with the code bellow, which now sends string only:

public delegate void MessageDelegate(Object sender, MessageEventArgs e);

  public class MessageEventArgs : EventArgs
    public string Message;
    public MessageEventArgs(string msg)
      this.Message = msg;
  public interface IController
    event MessageDelegate ControllerEvent;
    void InvokeControllerEvent(string msg);
  public class Controller : IController
    public event MessageDelegate ControllerEvent;

    public void InvokeControllerEvent(string msg)
      this.OnControllerEvent(new MessageEventArgs(msg));

    protected virtual void OnControllerEvent(MessageEventArgs mea)
      if (this.ControllerEvent != null)
        this.ControllerEvent.Invoke(this, mea);

I would like to know how to pass object array (object[]) between classes with the code bellow, which now sends string only:

static void Sample(object[] ar)
            if(ar is string[])
                Console.WriteLine( ((string[])ar)[0]);
        static void Sample1(Array ar)
            if (ar is string[])
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] ar = { "AA", "BB" };

As long as it is within you own app and not a remote app or other process you can just add an object[] as an additional parameter to your MessageEventArgs .

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