Can someone give me code for hangman in watcom pascal please, thank you

Any effort?
Try to send some of your code,then maybe I can help you.Thank you.

Can someone give me code for hangman in watcom pascal please, thank you

i need to know how to make it so that when the person enters in a letter, it removes that letter from the actual word, that is what i am stuck on.

program Project1;



const ch = 'a';

var user,temp:string;

begin {main}
  write('Write me a word:');
  readln(user);{catch the word...}
  {analize it,char by char}
  for i:=1 to length(user)do begin
    if user[i]<>ch then temp:=temp+user[i];
  writeln('I deleted the whole ''',ch,''' character from that string.');
  writeln('So ,the result is: ',temp);

This code doesnt work in watcom pascal, i need to know how it is done in watcom pascal
Like OMG!!!

hey,what is the "watcom" pascal?
I send a delphi code.It is working well in delphi(7 or 2006) as well as in turbo pascal 7.0(1992,I think :) )

watcom is the newer version on turbo
i think

another language that i don't know
i couldn't open the help,just in the lister i send you the help file in text format if you need it...good luck

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