Hi all, I'm a bit of an XPath noob and I'd be much obliged if you'd point me in the right direction here.

I want to select the first <product> in the source that has the child node <name> = 'bread'

The expression below yields the correct naswer but I'm thinking there must be a better/more concise way of doing it:


		<BASKET type="plastic">
		<BASKET type="metal">


There's a couple ways to do that, but your path isn't as bad as you might think :) You've just got a bit of redundancy that you don't need.

This is an explicit way from the root.

You can also go directly to the first PRODUCT node anywhere in the document.
//PRODUCT[1][NAME = 'bread']

Your XPath works in this instance. However, I need to be able to find the first bread product in the document where we cannot assume that it will be in the first position in a basket (or even that it exists in every basket); i.e. it also needs to work for this piece of xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<BASKET type="black">
	<BASKET type="green">
	<BASKET type="blue">

This XPath will work but I don't think it's as efficient as the first solution:


Any way we can improve our XPath?

Nope! That's pretty efficient and it gets exactly what you want. FYI, that is a really simple short and efficient XPath. There's little room for improvement :) You should see some that I write.

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