Hey guys,

Hope I'm not posting into the wrong section. I think I have something very simple that i'm having a lot of trouble with. I have a text file called "file.txt"

It contains:

I want to run a batch file that'll parse the 1st & 2nd token.


for /f "tokens=3,4,5 delims=," %i in (file.txt) do @echo %i %j %k

why won't this work?


What language is that? It doesn't look like a shell script.

In a shell script, parse the file like this:

while IFS== read -r var val
   set -f
   set -- $val
   set +f

   echo "$# tokens"

   : etc....
done < file.txt

Looks to me as if poor Grep is stuck in a Microsoft environment. Clue one: he uses 'batch' instead of 'script'. Clue two: "@echo" ... I seem to recall something about a leading '@' in dos batch files. Alas, I no longer remember enough about such things to be helpful.

Looks to me as if poor Grep is stuck in a Microsoft environment. Clue one: he uses 'batch' instead of 'script'. Clue two: "@echo" ... I seem to recall something about a leading '@' in dos batch files. Alas, I no longer remember enough about such things to be helpful.

Yes, after reading the first response i was like ah crap, posted in the wrong section =/
I got it figured out though. Thanks.

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