
Right now I have like 11 forms on my program. When I debug my program, my program keeps loading every 1 second (with the timer and the mouse). All the mouse icons are default. Is there any way to make a program faster?

It's easy to write slow applications with WinForms, but there are general applicable tips for keeping things snappy. Anything more specific depends on how your forms are set up and what they do.

commented: beaten. +10

What I wanted to do was, click the button that brings the form up. Then let the form fully load before showing it.


Right now I have like 11 forms on my program. When I debug my program, my program keeps loading every 1 second (with the timer and the mouse). All the mouse icons are default. Is there any way to make a program faster?

Can you describe more accurately what you are trying to do, because when dealing with many forms didn't affect the application performance.

Read following articles:

1. Practical Tips For Boosting The Performance Of Windows Forms Apps.
2. http://bloggingabout.net/blogs/adelkhalil/archive/2007/02/10/improve-windows-forms-performance.aspx

Well, On form1(Main form) I load A chat box(webbrowser) and news(webrequest) also a splashscreen. Most of the other forms just have the basic GUI with little coding. But one form has lots of coding(Webbrowser bot)

Consider the perceived performance as well. It does not really matter how slow your application really is as long as the user perceives it to be responsive. For example, clicking a button and waiting 1+ seconds for a form to appear is generally perceived as slow. Showing the form immediately and taking those seconds to load the form with hourglasses and progress bars in a well thought out way is generally perceived as fast. The time it takes might be identical, but the user has a different experience.

So what are you suggesting?

Not much, because optimizing a WinForms application late on a Friday night of drinking based on very vague descriptions is just a little too far beyond Edward's abilities right now. You should read the links that have been given, do some of your own research on WinForm design, and try to optimize your app.

A specific question is easier to answer. "My app is slow, how do I make it not slow" is much harder to answer, if it's possible at all.

Good News, I was playing around with if statement and now my forms are fine. Thank You guys for your time.

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