Can someone give me an idea on how to start and control a pppoe connection using code and not using rasdial.
Oh and i would also like to be able to specify the phonebook that i would like to use with full path.

Thank you,

Can someone give me an idea on how to start and control a pppoe connection using code and not using rasdial.
Oh and i would also like to be able to specify the phonebook that i would like to use with full path.

Thank you,

Use Process and ProcessInfo classes. Take a look AT and .

Hmmm i'm not sure that can help me.
How can i use task schedule to do this?

Curently i start a process that starts rasdial with the desired parameters. I wait for it to finish and i read the output to see if it was succesful or not.
then i use this to check if it's still up

Public Function CheckConnection() As Boolean

        Dim ni As System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface() = _
        For Each Items As System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface In ni
            If Items.Name = [connection name[ Then
                Return Items.OperationalStatus
                Exit Function
            End If
        Return 0
    End Function

My question is if there is the way to start the connection without using rasdial. Actualy without starting a process. I'm not sure i am explaining right.
Using windows api or something like that.

Thank you

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