Hello, for some time I have programmed in java and python, and would now like to enter the C-scene. The only problem is: I'm more or less only interested in C and not C++. And it seems quite tricky getting hold of programming tips and tutorials which apply to c and not c++. Could anyone give me some hints?

why do you want to go to c c++ after java
usually it is the other way around
are you interested in embedded programming or something?
anyway what help do you need?
i teach C C++ and other programming languages
so tell me what do you need
are you looking for sites , books?

>it seems quite tricky getting hold of programming tips and tutorials which apply to c and not c++
Most of my tutorials favor C over C++ so that they can be more widely used and are easier to format for XHTML. You can also find active newsgroups (like comp.lang.c) on Google Groups, and a Google search for "C tutorial" comes up with several good first hits, including the comp.lang.c FAQ, which is a repository of good tips. Then there are forums such as this where several C experts reside. So how is it tricky?

>why do you want to go to c c++ after java
That's a stupid question, what's wrong with wanting to learn as much as you can? I can also fully understand being traumatized by Java and wanting to stay away from anything that smells like it at first glance (*cough*C++*cough*).

>i teach C C++ and other programming languages
Oh dear. I hope you're not another Mister C. :rolleyes:

why would I go to c/c++ from java?

Well, first off, as Narue mentioned, there's no harm in learning more. I've never been around c or c++ (my schooling went basic->pascal->java->python, because those were the classes offered and or languages available to me at the time) and seeing how much programming is done in these languages, one is naturally inclined to want to at least look at them to judge their merit.

Secondly, i'm not interested in c++, only c. From what I've understood, c++ is big and complex with a substantial learning curve, whereas c is simple and clean (this is confirmed by my glances at various codesnippets in the respective languages). This is not to say I will never be interested in c++, but for now what I really want is to have some language in which to write simple and fast algorithmic code - procedural coding will suit me fine. As a matter of fact, the main reason I want to get into c at all is mainly so that I can write python extensions using the pyrex language (which is basically c with a different syntax, and allows you to mix in python code) For any bigger programs which require an object oriented approach, I am quite happy to glue fast c-modules together with clean and legible python.

Narue: Well, you are right - finding c-tutorials isn't that tricky. I suppose what I really meant to say is: 'it's trickier than finding c++ tutorials'. I already have a basic grasp of the c-syntax - right now I'm scouting for as much material I can find, to learn a bit about programming style, how certain tricks are done, etc. Such things are easier with a bigger repository of examples and explanations to look at. Thank you, btw for pointing me to your tutorials

>Thank you, btw for pointing me to your tutorials
Check back often, I add new ones regularly.

There is nothing wrong in learning. But learning without having a fixed target in mind is useless . i teach a lot of students and most of them have no idea what they want to do with what they learn. some one told them Vb is the thing someone told them Vb.net is the thing to learn. which is why i asked why you wanted to learn c/c++.
For someone who has seen students waste time on something and then say i should not have studied this it is not a "Stupid question"
Just recently....... a batch of mine who was learning C C++ asked to teach VB.net. Half way through they told me we should have gone for vb.net from first itself.
no i am not Mister C
i teach all programming languages.
actually i have started a firm of myself which train company people in various technologies like VB.net c/c++(embedded programming) and lots more.
in between we take up college and school grads give them technical education mock interviews etc. make them interview material so to speak.

>i teach a lot of students and most of them have no idea what they want to do with what they learn.
I would be shocked to find a student who had a clear idea of exactly what they wanted to do. Therefore, it makes sense to learn something that can be used in a broad range of fields.

>no i am not Mister C
>i teach all programming languages.
Oddly enough, Mister C doesn't refer to the C language, it's just the nickname of a professor who felt the need to incorrectly correct me on several occasions and in various programming languages.

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