
I'm trying to create an applet that allows users to login with their usernames/passwords. Users will also be allowed to register a new account. Question is, how do i create this? Where do i store the username and passwords?

Thanks in advance

Firstly do these things....
Create a client Script(means login screen) & database(which contains the User table).

In between, if you found any problem..... put it here....

Firstly do these things....
Create a client Script(means login screen) & database(which contains the User table).

In between, if you found any problem..... put it here....

Is there anyway to create this without using a database? Maybe storing/reading the information from a text file?

allows users to login

What does login mean?
Using an applet implies that there is a server somewhere that the applet is loaded from.
If there is no server, then the program should be an application not an applet.

without using a database

Yes there is no need for a "DataBase". But you do need a file on the server to hold user info.

Hi Norm,

Thanks for the reply. Please advice me as to what to use to hold the user info, and how to extract the info.

Thanks :)

What kind of program are you writing? An applet or application?

Where do you want to hold the user info? In a file on the local machine? Or where.

You need to design the application before you write the code.

Hi Norm,

Sorry for the previous mistake. I'm doing an application, and i want to hold the user info on a file on the local machine.


Look at the classes for reading/writing text/character files.

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