hello guys . i want to learn c++ untill i become able to create advanced softwares.so please tell what am i saposed to read to be what i want to be like all files types and where can i get the lessons for free

Learning from online tutorials will only get you a small part of the way to your goals. You can start there, but eventually you will have to invest some $$$ (money) to buy a few good reference books. Ultimately if you want to make programming a career then you will need a college degree.

>>Ultimately if you want to make programming a career then you will need a college degree
Not necessarily, I know and heard of plenty of people that are doing really well
without a degree. From what I have heard, a degree will really help get you that first
job, afterwards its all about experience and knowledge.

@OP: Go buy some C++ books. Here is a good list of books.

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