hey guys ! good day!

guys i have a thesis project,enrollment system in high school

den i have confuse with how to process in sectioning. sample guys

if one student will enroll in one section (section galatia)den if the staff will click save button den if its done. then another student will enroll den another section (section israel) will be use.

its like generated. do u gets guys
im just confuse how to code that.

hope u dont mind!!

if one student will enroll in one section (section galatia)den if the staff will click save button den if its done. then another student will enroll den another section (section israel) will be use.

Ok, I will try and figure this out with your help please.

What exactly is the sections you are mentioning here? Is it different "areas" within the school? If so, then you will create a database table named "Galatia", another table called "Isreal" and so on for each section or area. If not, please try and explain the "section" concept please. Your fields within the table will be something like "StudentId", StudentName", Student... and so on.

Once the tables are created, you will connect your application to the database and then save each student into its respective area or section.

Am I on the right path here with my assumptions?

hey the section here that i mention is a room.

in our enrollment system we tabele:

Student Entry - will use for those new and transferee student since they no id yet
Student Load-
Section Entry- in here is the entry of the section if ever theres additional
section den they can create here
Subject Entry- the entry of the additional subject
Schedule Entry- will use for scheduling of da subject and its section and also the teacher
Teacher Entry- will be use for new teacher
Teacher Load- the master list of all the teacher schedule.
Enrollment table- the list of all student who enroll
Grades table- in here this will be the basis if the student pass or failed. if the
student pass then the student can promote to next year level
if the student failed then the student may retain or summer those subject
who have failed.


First we create the table 'SectionEntry' with a field called 'Section'

To add a new section (assuming that you will be using MS Access as database tool), we will do the following -

Reference the MS ActiveX Dataobjects 2.x under references

Option Explicit

Private WithEvents cnSectionEntries As ADODB.Connection
Private WithEvents rsSectionEntries As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set cnSectionEntries = New ADODB.Connection
cnSectionEntries.CursorLocation = adUseClient

'Open database connection
cnSectionEntries.Open "provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;persist security info=false;data source =" & App.Path & "\School.mdb"
'School is the Access Database you created
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click ()

Set rsSectionEntries = New ADODB.Recordset 'Set new recordset

rsSectionEntries.Open "SELECT Section FROM SectionEntry", cnSectionEntries, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic 'Open the table

rsSectionEntries.AddNew 'Tell database that a new record is to be added

rsSectionEntries!Section = Text1.Text 'New section name to database from textbox.
rsSectionEntries.Update 'Save new entry

'Close recordset
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload()
'Close the database connection
End Sub

Now we need to get all the sections in a room into a combobox. This is the easiest way to let a user rather select the sections already available than to guess what section to add. When they add a new student, the correct section will be assigned -

Private Sub LoadCombo ()

Dim RecCount As Integer

Set rsSectionEntries = New ADODB.Recordset 'Set new recordset to load combo

rsSectionEntries.Open "SELECT Section FROM SectionEntry", cnSectionEntries, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic 'Open the table

If rsSectionEntries.BOF Or rsSectionEntries.EOF = True Then
   'No records available to load.
   'Add code here to let user know that no data is available like -
   MsgBox "No data to select from.", vbOkOnly + vbInformation, "No Data"

   For RecCount = 0 To rsSectionEntries.Recordcount
     Combo1.AddItem rsSectionEntries!Section
   Next RecCount
End If

'Close recordset

Private Sub Combo1_Click ()

Call LoadCombo
End Sub

When the user now click on the combobox, you can take that data and save it into the students record. The following is only a sample. I am sure this will help you to complete the project succesfull.

Text1.Text = Combo1.Text

Good luck....

and by the way in section it has a different level
if it is a level 1 (first year) level 2 (second year) level 3(third year) and level 4(fourth year)

den if the student select level 1
den the student will select a section in dat particular level.
every level has its section.

thank you for sharing your knowledge sir.

No problem, just add a field to your Table "SectionEntry" named "StudentLevel" or whatever name you wish. Just add the data when you add the section data -

rsSectionEntries!Section = Text1.Text 'New section name to database from textbox.
rsSectionEntries!StudentLevel = Text2.Text 'Add the student level

i'll send you my system if ever if its done.

thanks for your ideas

by the way im using db2 as my database.

It was a pleasure. If this has solved your problem, please mark as solved.

As far as DB2 is concerned, I am not to clued up on its workings, but the basics will be ths same. Just make sure that your connection to the database is correct.

Good luck in finishing it off soon

thank you sir!

if ever, if i get confuse of some code can i ask you for that.

thank you sir!

if ever, if i get confuse of some code can i ask you for that.

but for now im focus on the database.

den if its done . code will be next.

No problem, you may.

cn u help me in my system.. what are the features and the GUI of high school enrollment?pls"thank u in advance!

Good evening sir, can i ask u something on how to make an enrollment system using VB.Net?

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