How can i change my vb exe file in to a installable file.
That contain the ms access database as back end.
Anyone can help me..

Thank you for any help

Simple way is you can use install maker like "Create install free", "Bytessence Install Maker" etc.. These install maker will do everything for you like registering components, including runtime files etc.

you can use the default tools of vb. it is in all programs > visual basic > visual basic tool> package & development wizard. from browse button you select your project and then do next by next.

Just use the package and deployment wizard within vb6. Click on Add Ins on your tools menu, if it does not appear there, select the Addin manager and activate from there.

The wizard will do all the compiling etc. for you.

Sorry Abu, as I posted your reply came up as well. Same answer to question.

and lets not forget the updated installer, visual studio installer 1.1 that is the replacement for the PDW and you can find a link to where it is at an archive site by looking in the top pinned thread of this forum where I posted the link to the archive site. you will find the link in the thread with the title of vb6 stuff,...,tips and tricks or something like that. It is post 5 or 6...

Good Luck

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