Hi there,
I have a problem in datetimepicker in the interface in C#. I have restricted the user for entering a date that has passed by the below code
dpSignedSO.Value = DateTime.Today;
dpSignedSO.MinDate = DateTime.Today;
but when the date is entered as 7/20/2010 and this is being saved to the database. When I try to get the values from the database the next day it gives an error message saying “ArgumentOutOfRangeException” which further explains as “Value of '7/20/2010 1:43:25 PM' is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'MinDate' and 'MaxDate'.
Parameter name: Value”

How can I avoid this situation.

is there an way I can track if the datetime picker value is not changed in the interface to store a garbage value in the database for the datetimepicker??

how can i solve this???


When storing the value in the DB use dpSignedSO.Value.Date to only capture the date portion (actually the time is set to 00:00:00).
(You could also do the same when setting dpSignedSO.Value from the DB just to be certain it has no time part.)

When storing the value in the DB use dpSignedSO.Value.Date to only capture the date portion (actually the time is set to 00:00:00).
(You could also do the same when setting dpSignedSO.Value from the DB just to be certain it has no time part.)

I am not worried about the time part but the thing is I have validated the datetime picker so that the user can’t enter a date that has passed, so if the user dosen’t select a value the current date will be saved in the database. But when the data is being viewd the next day there is a error occurring because the database value is yesterdays date and the validation is restricted for not letting the user to enter a date that has passed the todays date. So there is am argument out of range exception. So how can I avoid it??

Hope you got my question

You could change the value of the MinDate property depending upon if the data is new or old, rather than have a single MinDate.

The order of setting MinDate and Value is important.
When adding a new record.

dpSignedSO.Value = DateTime.Today;
dpSignedSO.MinDate = DataTime.Today;

When loading an old record.

dpSignedSO.MinDate = DataTime.MinValue;
dpSignedSO.Value = <Date from DB>;

How you keep track if it is an old record or a new record is down to you.

If you want to insert date value into sql
using the code like this


also able to view from sql db in proper format

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