I'd like to post some code of an app I wrote to spit out large files, and sort them, and finally reassemble them. I'm new to Python, and the 'object' way in general.

If you feel like it, would you please tell me how it should have been written 'properly'. For instance, I don't get the whole 'self' thing, and I don't 'quite' get the modularity. I'm not looking for a lesson so much as just 'you could have done this here', or, 'this is sloppy, it should be done like this'..

Please look at it, and if you have the time, let me know how I 'should' have done it, or at least a tip or two. I'm glad I found this group, you guys are awesome.


import csv
import time
import sys
import os

def main():

def sortAndWrite(fname, ziploc):
        T = csv.reader(open(fname, 'rb'), quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)
        To = open('Sorted_' + fn,'ab')
        Tw = csv.writer(To, quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)

        #add all of the rows to a temporary array
        for row in T:

        #sort the data
        tmpTable.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[ziploc][0:5],b[ziploc][0:5]) )

        #write the table
        print "Building Sorted file, adding: " + fname

        if header == 1:
           # Have we written it?
            Tw.writerow(h)  # No, write it first
            header == 0          # Now, it's written

        # Write the contents of the temp list after sorting to the master output file
        for row in tmpTable:

        #empty the temp table
        tmpTable[:] = []

        if fname == 'temp6.tmp':
        print ("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])

# Start App ====================================================================

os.system("cls")        # Clear the screen

# Define the help menu should they type Zipsort.py --help
helptext="""\nUsage: Zipsort.py [filename -h | -c ]

   Zipsort.py is is a small program that will sort your file by Zip Code.

   -h                   No header
                        [default, assumes file has a header]

   -c                   New Zip Code column (zero based)
                        [default is column 76]

    Example:  Zipsort.py MyFile.csv -h -c

    In the above example, the file to be sorted is 'MyFile.csv', the
    file does not have a header record and the column that contains
    the zip code needs to be overridden.


print ""    # Force a print line so the text isn't wedged against the top of the
            # DOS window.

# Do they need help?
if sys.argv.count("--help")>0:
    print helptext

    fn = sys.argv[1]    # The filename is the first argument on the command line
    print "Filename is: " + fn
    if os.path.exists(fn) == False:
        print "File does not exist, try again."
    # rather than mess with indexes, I just catch the exception
    print "You must define a valid file to sort.  Ex:  Zipsort.py MyFile.cvs"

# is there no header?
if sys.argv.count("-h")>0:
    header = 0
    print "File has no header"
    header = 1
    print "File has a header"

# Do they want to change the zip code location?
if sys.argv.count("-c")>0:
    z = raw_input("What is the new Zip Code column?: ")
    print "Zip code is now located at: " + str(z)
    z = 76
    print "Zip code is located at: " + str(z)

# Define the working table we will use to hold the temp file(s) records
# for sorting, and other working variables
tmpTable = []
h = ''  # This will hold the header for later

# Delete the Sorted out file before we start
if os.path.exists('Sorted_' + fn) == True:
    YN = raw_input("Sorted file already exists, delete it?: ")
    if YN == 'y' or YN == 'Y':
        os.remove('Sorted_' + fn)
        print "Sorted file removed"
        Q = raw_input( "Quit?, or Continue (Q/C)?")
        if Q == 'q' or Q == 'Q':
            print "Exiting.."

#Open input file and split it into (6) temp files for processing
#if there's a header, we will capture it at run time

start = time.clock()    #start the timer
I = open(fn, 'rb')
r = csv.reader(I, quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)

O1 = open('temp1.tmp', 'w+b')
w1 = csv.writer(O1, quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)
O2 = open('temp2.tmp', 'w+b')
w2 = csv.writer(O2, quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)
O3 = open('temp3.tmp', 'w+b')
w3 = csv.writer(O3, quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)
O4 = open('temp4.tmp', 'w+b')
w4 = csv.writer(O4, quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)
O5 = open('temp5.tmp', 'w+b')
w5 = csv.writer(O5, quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)
O6 = open('temp6.tmp', 'w+b')
w6 = csv.writer(O6, quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)

if header == 1:
    h = r.next()    # store the header

print ""
print "Splitting out the input file"

    for row in r:
        Zip = int(row[z][0:5])
        if Zip <= 20000:
        if Zip > 20000 and Zip <= 35000:
        if Zip > 35000 and Zip <= 45000:
        if Zip > 45000 and Zip <= 65000:
        if Zip > 65000 and Zip <= 85000:
        if Zip > 85000:
    print "Error in this record, bad zip: " + row[z][0:5]

#close the temp files so we don't have contention issues later

#once the file are separated, we need to sort them
for f in range(1,7):
    tmpFile = 'temp' + str(f) + '.tmp'
    print "Sorting: " + tmpFile
    sortAndWrite(tmpFile, z)

# End of app....
end = time.clock()
print "Finished"

print "Time elapsed = ", end - start, "seconds"

if __name__ == '__main__':

Start improving your code step by step. A few things come in mind:

1) Each time code is repeated in a program, repetition should be removed by a loop or by defining functions. Examples are lines 129-140 and 169-174. The variables O1, w1, ..., O6, w6 should be stored in lists. Example

temp_files = [open("temp%d.tmp" % i, "w+b") for i in range(NFILES)]
w = [ csv.writer(temp_files[i], quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL) for i in range(NFILES) ]

Then lines 169-174 become for i in range(NFILES): temp_files[i].close() .

2) lines 149-162 are a typical use case of the library function bisect.bisect.

3) Parsing command line and options should be done using optparse.OptionParser.

Start improving your code step by step. A few things come in mind:

1) Each time code is repeated in a program, repetition should be removed by a loop or by defining functions. Examples are lines 129-140 and 169-174. The variables O1, w1, ..., O6, w6 should be stored in lists. Example

temp_files = [open("temp%d.tmp" % i, "w+b") for i in range(NFILES)]
w = [ csv.writer(temp_files[i], quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL) for i in range(NFILES) ]

Then lines 169-174 become for i in range(NFILES): temp_files[i].close() .

2) lines 149-162 are a typical use case of the library function bisect.bisect.

3) Parsing command line and options should be done using optparse.OptionParser.

Cool!! I thought opening them up individually was bad programming, but I coulden't figure out a way to do it in a loop. Never thought about using a list!.. Thanks!

I figured i would employ your recomendations from the top down, beginning with 'optparse'. The doc was very difficult to follow, but I found this link; http://www.alexonlinux.com/pythons-optparse-for-human-beings, and if finally started making sense. Not that it didn't, I just think the Python doc was weak for someone not familiar with it.

I figured i would employ your recomendations from the top down, beginning with 'optparse'. The doc was very difficult to follow, but I found this link; http://www.alexonlinux.com/pythons-optparse-for-human-beings, and if finally started making sense. Not that it didn't, I just think the Python doc was weak for someone not familiar with it.

Yes there is a learning phase for using optparse, but it is worth the effort: after 2 or 3 scripts using optparse, you will see the benefits: options are easily added, modified and handled by your program. Optparse is a very complete tool. You don't need to master all of its aspects to use it. Learn the minimum for your program.
There is a (non conventional) example use of optparse in this code snippet http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet258640.html (it may be more difficult to understand than your excellent tutorial).

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