Well I'mm 14 years old and I'm very interested in learning some programing languages like c++ and so on . I don't know were to start at , or what to do i have no money to go buy books to learn , if any one could point me on what to do it would be nice.

Thank you .
~Qu4n7um ():X

Ps. Sorry for my terrible grammar and spelling .....

plz some one :/

I will be glad to help, first to start out. Here are some guidlines.

1) Get a IDE, I suggest one of these, codeblocks or visual studio 2008.

2) Now you need to start making projects, so google online on how to make projects with either codeblocks or visual studion, whichever you choose to download.

3) Now here is a tutorial in C++. Thats a good start at least. Try some code out. Get it to work and start learning.

We're here to help, so if you have any problems, just ask.

commented: 100% EPIC ANSWER !! +0

1) Get a IDE, I suggest one of these, codeblocks or visual studio 2008.

Visual C++ 2010 is better because it has parts of the newest C++ and the IDE is much improved. Visual C++ 2008 is still good, but if old projects do not need to be maintained then the latest version is better.

Learning C++ is easier now because there are so many free options. These two ebooks are good and go very far.

AH THX!!!!

Also note that im new to all this so if you say like "IDE" and stuff like that plz tell me what it means XD.

Also note that im new to all this so if you say like "IDE" and stuff like that plz tell me what it means XD.

Most of the time, when someone throws around a lingo, you can just google it and find out.
IDE stands for Integrated_development_environment. You use it, to compile codes and to develop and make projects. You
will need that in order to run your code.

Visual C++ 2010 is better because it has parts of the newest C++ and the IDE is much improved. Visual C++ 2008 is still good, but if old projects do not need to be maintained then the latest version is better.

Learning C++ is easier now because there are so many free options. These two ebooks are good and go very far.

>< ??? i downlode something vol 1 and 2 but they are zip files?

but they are zip files?

Yes. Unzip them. :) The books are HTML files and the code are C++ files.

Yes. Unzip them. :) The books are HTML files and the code are C++ files.

:-/ Ehhhhhh so how do i open them just click or run with CodeBlocks? or how ? sorry im a noob lol ......

Zip is a compression format. You must decompress the zip files to see the contents. The process will differ with your OS. On my Windows OS, I use WinRAR and extract to a folder.

Zip is a compression format. You must decompress the zip files to see the contents. The process will differ with your OS. On my Windows OS, I use WinRAR and extract to a folder.

Oh Thx i think i got it sort of..... well ether way thx if you have any other information plz post it for me im happy taking in as much info as possible !

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