I am trying to run my program to test it. Actually I am trying to run second form to see it that its working properly or not. But it shows me error. First time I got this error message "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown" & second time I got this one "An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Parameter is not valid." Please help me & tell me what should I do & why its happening though I didnt make any mistake to write code. By the way my program has 25 forms. Please help me & tell me how should I get rid of this problem? Please help me.

At what time does this error occur, and what does the code look like where the error occurs?

Have you set this second form as the startup form from within the project properties?

This one is complex i never seen it that way but hang on theres help on the way..
maybe the help might be me..
Just hang on

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