Hi friends,
Plz anybody can tell me,
How to retrieve only date from DateTime in vb.net in dd/MM/yyyy format


I have a field in table in access 2007 which has date/time datatype.

Data is stored in datetime format.(04/08/2010 12:01:07 AM)

I want to retrive only dates which are in range of two DTPickers in dd/MM/yyyy format

I m giving the query below:

cmd.CommandText = "select * from Stock where (CDate(Timing)) >='#23/07/2010#' and (CDate(Timing))<='#02/08/2010#'

Stock is my table in access.
Timing is date/time field.
when i use CDate .it retrieve date & time both.I want only date.
And when i run this query, records are displayed

Can u plz tell me,is there any query in access that we can retrieve the date only from datetime in dd/mm/yyyy format.

Plz dear all help me.
I m in trouble.
One day is already waste bcoz of this.

Thanks in advance....................
Help me...

label1.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

try this

select * from Stock where (CDate(Int(Timing))) = #23/07/2010#

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