I'm trying to extract certain things from a web page. The website is TVRage.com, and the example I'm using at the moment is the Warehouse 13 episode list. So far I've managed to get the title of the show using this code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import urllib

def save_page(site="http://www.tvrage.com/Warehouse_13/episode_list"):
	mypath = site
	mylines = urllib.urlopen(mypath).readlines() 
	f = open('temp2.txt', 'w')
	for item in mylines:	


def find_title(temp="temp2.txt"):
	f = open(temp, "r")
	site = f.read()
	search1 = "<title>"
	search2 = " (Episode"
	starter = site.find(search1)
	ender   = site.find(search2)
	#print "Starts at %s and ends at %s" % (starter, ender) Just gives the indexes
	print site[(starter+19):ender]

Now I'm trying to get episode numbers, dates, and titles, the only problem is I can't figure out how to extract them from the html. So far I've tried this code to no effect:

def find_episodes(temp="temp2.txt"):
	f = open(temp, "r")
	site = f.read()
	for line in site:
		if '/Warehouse_13/episodes/1064905360' in line:
			print line
			print "We got nothing."

Any suggestions would help tremendously.

Like this?

#!/usr/bin/env python

import urllib

def save_page(site="http://www.tvrage.com/Warehouse_13/episode_list"):
    mypath = site
    f = open('temp2.txt', 'w')
    for item in urllib.urlopen(mypath).readlines():    

def find_title(temp="temp2.txt"):
    f = open(temp)
    site = f.readlines()
    for item in site:
        if item.find('<title>') != -1:
            before_html, tag_before, rest_html = str(item).partition('<title>')
            title, tag_after, after_html = rest_html.partition('</title>')
    print 'Title:', title

def find_episodes(temp="temp2.txt"):
    f = open(temp)
    site = f.readlines()
    for item in site:
        if item.find('''onmouseover="showToolTip2(event,'View Trailer');return false;" onmouseout="hideToolTip2();" ></a> <a href='/Warehouse_13/episodes/''') != -1:
            before_html, tag_before, rest_html = str(item).partition('''onmouseover="showToolTip2(event,'View Trailer');return false;" onmouseout="hideToolTip2();" ></a> <a href='/Warehouse_13/episodes/''')
            title, tag_after, after_html = rest_html.partition('</a> </td>')
            print 'Episodes:', title[12:]


Happy coding.

commented: this is very nice. it helps you avoid regexes, which is awesome. +0


I am totally new to python and would like to develop a script.

The followings are my requirements:

1) I want to extract a number from the webpage and constantly monitor the number change.
2) Once there is a change in number, the script should compare with the number extracted earlier.
3) If new number is greater, the script should trigger to do some tasks. (i.e something like API for interface with another script).

Please see the attached HTML image to understand more.
Thank you very much in advance.

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