I will greatly appreciate, if someone could help me to revert a VB6 Exe. file into Source code file. Cause I have lost my working project as a result of formating my PC. I have a copy of the Exe. file on my Flash memory. Only hope is that to go back to my project.

So, please help me.......

Sorry, but that will be "hacking" someone else's code. Yes, there are ways which we will most definitely not help you with at this site or any that I know of. You will unfortunately have to start your project all over and re-code from the .exe as a sample.

Cause I have lost my working project as a result of formating my PC

Sorry, but that will be "hacking" someone else's code.

It's his code!

You can try this tool: http://www.soft32.com/download_124248.html

Or just google vb6 exe decompiler. You won't be able to get the code back exactly as you typed it, but if you know a little assembler it will help you remember what you coded.

Joe, and we believe everything we read on the internet...

I hope it is not your code someone tries to decompile for his own use one day after they have "accidentally formatted" and "accidentally" forgot to back up their codes. Please read our posting rules and regulations...

That's why OpenSourcesm is needed ;)

vb6 exe decompiler is a hoax. These is no such tool.

If anyone claims to have that , ask him/her to give you a copy of the same. Use that to get back your code from the compiled EXE. I know for sure that is never going to happen.

Do post back here after getting your code back in hand.

yeah its kinda true. I've already tried it and its not that helpful =/

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