Hi, Everyone!!

I'm really new in this business and I've been having some trouble with these errors:

Message: Object expected
Line: 1
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: http://www.myblog.com/successblog/
Message: Expected '}'
Line: 707
Char: 301
Code: 0
URI: http://www.myblog.com/successblog/
Message: Expected '}'
Line: 738
Char: 301
Code: 0
URI: http://www.myblog.com/successblog/
Also after my latest post my blog become a real mess and it keeps telling that:
(1 item remaining) waiting for http://www.myblog.com/successblog/

Can anybody help me with that? I really needs some urgent help


i think you have left out the right brace '}' in your program

Hi, Heidi!!

Thanks for your help but I need to know exactly where to go in my blog or my cpanel to repair it.

Can you tell me where to go?


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