Hi..I'm Ashwin here...i need urgent help in implementing PaaS in cloud computing for my final year project...Is there anyway u can help me with this?? even a little push to get started wud be highly helpful....

This question is far too vague to get any useful help. What sort of help are you looking for? What "platform" are you trying of offer as a service? What have you done so far? What sort of design decisions have you made that we should know about?

Well..I'm trying to use operating system level virtualization....came across a paper which claims to use the following tools :
Apache web server, MySQL database server, OpenSSH remote access tools and VMware workstation....and vmware workstation to create virtual platforms....
i would like to know how to go about this project...Sry if i'm still sounding vague...

Those are all nice tools. Now what do you want to do with them?

huh..is it ok if i mail u the file i was trying to explain? wub be better if u cud have a look at it instead of me explaining to u in bits n pieces...

No, I think if you can't give us a thumbnail of what you're trying to do, you need to go back and think more about what you're trying to do.

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