When i access a user-defined java class in matlab, it says

>> t=Areas
??? Undefined function or variable 'Areas'.

Areas is my classname in java. I dynamically added the path of the directory containing Areas.class file

Thank you in advance

I don't know anything about matlab, so ignore this if its wrong, but, if Areas is a class that wouild be consistent with the error message "Undefined function or variable" (a class is neither a function or a variable). Is "t" a thing that can refer to a class as opposed to a variable or method within that class?

I don't know anything about matlab, so ignore this if its wrong, but, if Areas is a class that wouild be consistent with the error message "Undefined function or variable" (a class is neither a function or a variable). Is "t" a thing that can refer to a class as opposed to a variable or method within that class?

t is actually a reference i create to the Areas class
Matlab is not like C,C++ or java. There is no need to declare variables beforehand. If I need an object of the java class String, the instruction I ve to type is
This ll call the default constructor of the String class and ll create an object of the same. Instead of 't', I can use any other name also.

OK, sorry.

Why ask a question about problems in another language/environment on a java forum?

Why ask a question about problems in another language/environment on a java forum?

I need help in integrating java and matlab.. So.. Its kinda related

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