Hi guys,

i have a problem here

i have a situation where i need to save all the images opened using PIL
I have no idea how to do without displaying images on screen one by one and saving them
Can anyone please help how to save them without switching on the screen


You don't need to display them, if you maintain a list of the image objects open, you can easilly save them all in a nice loop.

Show a example of what you mean, I'll help you.

Cheers and Happy coding

You don't need to display them, if you maintain a list of the image objects open, you can easilly save them all in a nice loop.

Show a example of what you mean, I'll help you.

Cheers and Happy coding

Thank u for reply
here is the code for one image

def saveImage(self):

name = asksaveasfilename(filetypes = [("Tif file",".tiff"),("Bmp file", ".bmp"),("Jpeg", '.jpeg'),("Gif",'*.gif')])

if name == "":

ext = name[name.rfind('.')+1:]
ext = ext.upper()

self.curIm.save(name, ext)
from tkMessageBox import showerror
showerror("Save error", "Save failed! Did you include a valid extension? (tiff, bmp, jpeg, gif, etc.)\ne.g. 'myimage1.tiff' and not just 'myimage1'.")

First wrap your code with Code-tags. You can do it easilly by selecting your code and clicking the code button.

And that code is useless mate. I mean you to show the code you use to open them.

And imports are done at the beginning of the script and never inside a function.

Cheers and Happy coding

Sorrry here is the code for open image

def addImage(self, imageName):
        newImageData = {}
        im = Image.open(imageName)
        data = im.getdata()
        width, height = im.size
    except IOError:
        from tkMessageBox import showerror
        showerror( "File Error", "The selected file could either opened or converted." )

    newImageData['im'] = im
    newImageData['data'] = data
    newImageData['width'] = width
    newImageData['height'] = height
    newImageData['id'] = -1
    newImageData['contours'] = []
    newImageData['dots'] = []
    newImageData['landmarks'] = []
    newImageData['linewidth'] = 1
    newImageData['linelength'] = 20
    newImageData['stack'] = self.getCurrentStack()

here is the imports related to that

import os
import re
import sys
from os.path import dirname, exists, normpath
import time

from Tkinter import *
import _anglesmodule
import Image
import ImageTk
import ImageDraw
import numpy
import math
import Tkinter
import Pmw
import ImageDraw
from SmartCounter import SmartCounter
from ListManager import BasicList
from xml_parser import get_xml_tree, build_xml_data
sys.path.insert(0, "../../..")
sys.path.insert(0, "../..")
from pcty.client.forms.SafeDialog import asksaveasfilename, askopenfilename
from tkFileDialog import askdirectory
import math
import cProfile
import pstats
from CalculateImageData import CalculateImageData
from VarRadioSelect import VarRadioSelect

from vertexMath import HandleRegTrans, HandleRegOff, HandleRegRot, HandleVertTrans, \
                        HandleVertRot, HandleVertScale, scale, HandlePointRot, \
                        HandleRotateAxis, createMatrix, computeTopRight, computePoint,\
                        HandleVertexScale, HandleVertexTrans
from imageUtils import rgb_map, color_to_byte, byte_to_rgb, expand_alpha, \
                        make_binary_mask, update_image_with_mask, threshold_image, \
                        top_regions, color_regions
import pcty.server.region_detect as region_detect
import copy
from ImageCylinder import ImageCylinder

histogramHeight = 128

    from client.OpenMesh.Images import ImageStack
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, "../../..")
    sys.path.insert(0, "../..")
    from client.OpenMesh.Images import ImageStack

First wrap your code with Code-tags. You can do it easilly by selecting your code and clicking the code button.

And that code is useless mate. I mean you to show the code you use to open them.

And imports are done at the beginning of the script and never inside a function.

Cheers and Happy coding

here is the code for saving current selected image

def saveImage(self):

        name = asksaveasfilename(filetypes = [("Tif file",".tiff"),("Bmp file", ".bmp"),("Jpeg", '.jpeg'),("Gif",'*.gif')])

        if name == "":

        ext = name[name.rfind('.')+1:]
        ext = ext.upper()
            self.curIm.save(name, ext)
            from tkMessageBox import showerror
            showerror("Save error", "Save failed!  Did you include a valid extension?  (tiff, bmp, jpeg, gif, etc.)\ne.g. 'myimage1.tiff' and not just 'myimage1'.")

Sorrry here is the code for open image

def addImage(self, imageName):
            newImageData = {}
            im = Image.open(imageName)
            data = im.getdata()
            width, height = im.size
        except IOError:
            from tkMessageBox import showerror
            showerror( "File Error", "The selected file could either opened or converted." )

        newImageData['im'] = im
        newImageData['data'] = data
        newImageData['width'] = width
        newImageData['height'] = height
        newImageData['id'] = -1
        newImageData['contours'] = []
        newImageData['dots'] = []
        newImageData['landmarks'] = []
        newImageData['linewidth'] = 1
        newImageData['linelength'] = 20
        newImageData['stack'] = self.getCurrentStack()

here is the imports related to that

import os
import re
import sys
from os.path import dirname, exists, normpath
import time

from Tkinter import *
import _anglesmodule
import Image
import ImageTk
import ImageDraw
import numpy
import math
import Tkinter
import Pmw
import ImageDraw
from SmartCounter import SmartCounter
from ListManager import BasicList
from xml_parser import get_xml_tree, build_xml_data
sys.path.insert(0, "../../..")
sys.path.insert(0, "../..")
from pcty.client.forms.SafeDialog import asksaveasfilename, askopenfilename
from tkFileDialog import askdirectory
import math
import cProfile
import pstats
from CalculateImageData import CalculateImageData
from VarRadioSelect import VarRadioSelect

from vertexMath import HandleRegTrans, HandleRegOff, HandleRegRot, HandleVertTrans, \
                        HandleVertRot, HandleVertScale, scale, HandlePointRot, \
                        HandleRotateAxis, createMatrix, computeTopRight, computePoint,\
                        HandleVertexScale, HandleVertexTrans
from imageUtils import rgb_map, color_to_byte, byte_to_rgb, expand_alpha, \
                        make_binary_mask, update_image_with_mask, threshold_image, \
                        top_regions, color_regions
import pcty.server.region_detect as region_detect
import copy
from ImageCylinder import ImageCylinder

histogramHeight = 128

    from client.OpenMesh.Images import ImageStack
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, "../../..")
    sys.path.insert(0, "../..")
    from client.OpenMesh.Images import ImageStack

Your import concept mate is totally wrong. You should read a good python tutorial.

Back to the code, something like

self.image_list = []

def addImage(self, imageName):
            newImageData = {}
            im = Image.open(imageName)
            data = im.getdata()
            width, height = im.size
        except IOError:
            showerror( "File Error", "The selected file could either opened or converted." )

        newImageData['im'] = im
        newImageData['data'] = data
        newImageData['width'] = width
        newImageData['height'] = height
        newImageData['id'] = -1
        newImageData['contours'] = []
        newImageData['dots'] = []
        newImageData['landmarks'] = []
        newImageData['linewidth'] = 1
        newImageData['linelength'] = 20
        newImageData['stack'] = self.getCurrentStack()

You can then use the image_list something like...

for image in self.image_list:

Cheers and Happy coding

hey thanks for ur reply , i got it
we just have to say im.save

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