I'm writing a program to keep record of my e-books and to open them.
I have a record declared in Delphi 7 like this.

BookLibrary = record
                  AuthorName: String[20];
                  BookName:   String[20];
                  PDFLink:    String[200];

Now my question, is it possible to edit a record later on so that one can add more records into the "BookName" and the "PDFLink" fields.

Can one create a record declaration like this?

BookLibrary = record
                  AuthorName: String[20];
                  BookName:   Array[1..20] of String[20];
                  PDFLink:    Array[1..20] of String[200];

I'm using to open the pdf files.


I thank you for your help and comments.

Possible. Just a little bit differently.

TBookName = string[20];
TPDFLink  = string[200];
BookLibrary = record
    AuthorName: String[20];
    BookName:   Array[1..20] of TBookName;
    PDFLink:    Array[1..20] of TPDFLink;
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