Hi guys,

Im working on a small console app to seek out all those pesky and disk consuming .ncb files and debug folders left from VS and destroy them so the space i need to backup the files is considerably reduced.

I have got my recusrion algorithm to scan as deep as it needs to (seems to be working fine) But the issue is when i want to delete the files. I have a function that worked fine when i passed a path refrence to it, but to get recusrion i changed over to directory iterators. Using these i now get the final else case of my check function when deleting which now insists the files are neither directories or regulor files.

I cant seem to figure out after many hours toiling to find what is causing this. So if anyone could give this code a review and maybe help me out id really appreciate it. Code follows.

void scanDir(const path& dir, int numLevels)
	try //might get exceptions so catch them

		if(!exists(dir) || !is_directory(dir)) //check path is valid and is a directory
			std::cout<<"Invalid input.\n";

		for(directory_iterator dir_iter(dir), dir_end;dir_iter != dir_end; ++dir_iter)
			if(is_directory(dir_iter->path().leaf()))//if this is another directory dig down and look
					continue; //if i deleted the folder i dont want to try look into it 

				scanDir(dir_iter->path().leaf(), numLevels+1);
			else //this is just a file so print it


		std::cout<<padd(numLevels)<<"End of Folder"<<endl;


	catch (const filesystem_error& ex)
		cout << ex.what() << '\n';


bool checkAndRemove(path& file, const vector<string> &unwantedTypes)
	vector<string>::const_iterator result;

	result = find(unwantedTypes.begin(),unwantedTypes.end(),file.extension());
		//check if its a file or directory
			cout<<"removing directory:"<<file.filename()<<endl;
		else if(is_regular_file(file))
			cout<<"Removing file: "<<file.filename()<<endl;
			cout<<"Object is not a file or directory"<<endl;
		return true;
	return false;

Again many thanks in advance, if anything is unclear ill try to explian but as im new to boost im still quite shaky on my understanding of it.

Don't boost::filesystem::remove_all and boost::filesystem::remove require a full path as the argument?

AFAIK, lines 20 and 28 should have checkAndRemove( dir_iter->path(), BAD_TYPES ) instead of checkAndRemove( dir_iter->path().leaf(), BAD_TYPES )

Thanks for the answer Vijayan however.

Upon making these changes I got a compile error Saying about Unable to convert from const path, to path&.

Thankfully i realised this only required a change of my function prototype to operate on a path instead of a path& and the function now works correctly.

I appreciate your help very much :) thank you

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