I found a code on several websites for a UDP client and server ... when I run the code of both the client and the server on one computer, it works normally ...
but one I work on two computers (one server and the other client), the sever becomes 'Not Responding' ... I am sure that the IP is correct and everything ...
Even the debugger freezes, so I cant locate the problem ... Can anyone see the code and help me


using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;

class MainClass
   public static void Main()
      byte[] data = new byte[1024];
      IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 9050);
      UdpClient newsock = new UdpClient(ipep);

      Console.WriteLine("Waiting for a client...");

      IPEndPoint sender = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

      byte[] data1 = newsock.Receive(ref sender);
      int test1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(data1, 0);
      Console.WriteLine("test1 = {0}", test1);

      byte[] data2 = newsock.Receive(ref sender);
      double test2 = BitConverter.ToDouble(data2, 0);
      Console.WriteLine("test2 = {0}", test2);

      byte[] data3 = newsock.Receive(ref sender);
      int test3 = BitConverter.ToInt32(data3, 0);      
      Console.WriteLine("test3 = {0}", test3);

      byte[] data4 = newsock.Receive(ref sender);
      bool test4 = BitConverter.ToBoolean(data4, 0);
      Console.WriteLine("test4 = {0}", test4.ToString());

      byte[] data5 = newsock.Receive(ref sender);
      string test5 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data5);
      Console.WriteLine("test5 = {0}", test5);



using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;

class MainClass
   public static void Main()
      byte[] data = new byte[1024];
      string stringData;
      UdpClient server = new UdpClient("", 9050);

      IPEndPoint sender = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

      int test1 = 45;
      double test2 = 3.14159;
      int test3 = -1234567890;
      bool test4 = false;
      string test5 = "This is a test.";

      byte[] data1 = BitConverter.GetBytes(test1);
      server.Send(data1, data1.Length);

      byte[] data2 = BitConverter.GetBytes(test2);
      server.Send(data2, data2.Length);

      byte[] data3 = BitConverter.GetBytes(test3);
      server.Send(data3, data3.Length);

      byte[] data4 = BitConverter.GetBytes(test4);
      server.Send(data4, data4.Length);

      byte[] data5 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(test5);
      server.Send(data5, data5.Length);

UdpClient server = new UdpClient("", 9050); is always the local machine. Is this really your client code?

NO ... this is just the original code I found ... I have adjusted it to the ip i have :)

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